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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is the home of my beloved family in Sims 4. A cozy and comfortable mansion in San Sequoia. Gilbert Garden area. please use the cheat code bb.moveobjects to install the lot correctly so that all interior items are loaded and in the right places. There are NoCC pictures in the house that were drawn by Sims.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1691792
ItemID: 1691792
Filesize: 1 MB
Please use the cheat code bb.moveobjects to install the lot correctly so that all interior items are loaded and in the right places. In the room images you can see NoCC paintings drawn by Sims. Download them from the Sims 4 gallery. These are the works of Simmer lollp01008054646 which you can download in the gallery.
Credits: Thanks for TSR
- Value: 534339
- Recoloring Allowed: No
- Furnished: Fully
- Stories: 3
- Lot Size: 4030
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