This item has 47 required items.
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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
A beautiful cozy modern accent Kids Room in classic style.
Size 7 on 5.
Built of small walls.
This room is fully equipped.
Custom Content was used.
Please check all cc's in the Required Tab.
Please read the instructions in the Notice tab.
DO NOT re-upload without my permission.
DO NOT post as your own.
Always put a link to my creation on TSR.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1700880
ItemID: 1700880
Revision: 2
Filesize: 113 KB
The toys on the shelves near the windows are decorations and are not used by the Sim. These toys are doubled and in working order and are located on the shelves on the left side of the room.
To install this room into your game, you need to
download the room, unzip room files
,copy room files and paste them into your Tray catalog.
All CC objects from Required Tab go to the Mods folder.
DO NOT re-upload without my permission.
DO NOT post as your own.
Always put a link to my creation at TSR.
Credits: All TSR CC's Creators
- Recoloring Allowed: No
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- [Yuna bedroom] - double bed blanket
- [Yuna bedroom] - double bed pillows
- [Alisa kidsroom] - Amigurumi Cat
- [Alisa kidsroom] - pillow Bear
- [Alisa kidsroom] - pillow Unicorn
- [Alwine bedroom] - wood panel SW
- [Alwine kidsroom] dresser02
- [Dakota kidsroom decor] - boxes
- [Dakota kidsroom decor] - round boxes
- [GardenRose] TS4 - love seat FIX
- [Lily nursery] - Dog abacus
- [Twins kidsroom] - sloping ceiling
- Valeria kidsroom - box
- Valeria kidsroom - cabinet high
- Valeria kidsroom - cabinet v01
- Valeria kidsroom - cabinet v02
- Valeria kidsroom - Houses
- [Spring Terrace] Door 1x3
- Buenos Dias Shelf
- Dual Purpose Blanket and Pillows Deco
- French Apartment Mural
- Houses. Chair
- Living Capri - Ceiling Lamp
- Lanham Window Counter Slanting 1x1
- Lanham Window Counter Slanting Left 1x1
- Lanham Window Counter Slanting Right 1x1
- [Patreon] Functional Toddler Swing Chair
- Set Clayton - Shabby Floor
- The Cutie - Sculpture Monster
- Kitchen Anukoi - Plant
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