This item has 18 required items.
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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Go to the tab Required to download the CC needed.
Download everything if you want the sim to be the same as the pictures.
Check creator notes for any helpful tips.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1569014
ItemID: 1569014
Filesize: 94 KB
Base game only. No expansion installed.
Click the big DOWNLOAD under Petite Feet V2 - New Mesh then click DallasGirl_DEFAULT Petite Feet V2_Toenail Fix.zip
Click the big DOWNLOAD under Tobi Sandals Collection - Remake then click DallasGirl_shoes_Tobi Sandal Pumps HQ.package, DallasGirl_shoes_Tobi Tied Sandal Pumps (Patterns) HQ.package, DallasGirl_shoes_Tobi Tied Sandal Pumps HQ.package.
Click download Button under kijiko 3D Lashes Version2 HQ
Credits: All of the cc and pose creators!
- Custom content: CC used
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- DanSimsFantasy TOP AURASPRING (Everyday)
- Dissia Work Out Leggins (Everyday)
- DallasGirl_shoes_Tobi Sandal Pumps HQ.package (Everyday) (Formal)
- Mr.Dapo Cassini & Dione Rings
- Suzue Double Piercings
- Suzue Destiny Arm Bracelets Set
- Nightcrawler Sims Layerable Hoops
- Pralinesims Queen Choker
- Joan Campbell Beauty Nelly Dress (Formal)
- ShakeProductions Kwanzaa Headscarf (Party)
- ShakeProductions Kwanzaa Dress (Party)
- Mr.Dapo Coilette Necklace (Party)
- DallasGirl_shoes_Tobi Tied Sandal Pumps (Patterns) HQ.package (Party)
- Belal1997 wanda swimsuit (Hot Weather)
- DallasGirl_shoes_Tobi Tied Sandal Pumps HQ.package (Hot Weather)