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Created for: The Sims 4
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Well, whether it is going to be a hello or a goodbye, you will need to pass through this area, so it might as well be a good looking area which either welcomes you with its warm atmosphere or bid you a safe farewell. We're done here at the downstairs, unless you want me to add a cellar. Ahoy mateys! Have fun!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1528961
ItemID: 1528961
Filesize: 47 KB
The room is designed for The Squealing Mermaid Boathouse lot (which I will upload at the end of this series). If you plan on placing this room in the Boathouse lot, please check for any double windows and/or doors.
I own all of the Stuff, Game and Expansion Packs that are currently available on Origin (20 February 2021)
For this room you will need: Get Famous, Cats & Dogs, Jungle Adventure, City Living and Vampires.
I used the cheats bb.moveobjects, bb.showhiddenobjects and debug. Please use at least the bb.moveobjects before placing the lot. After downloading and installing, the rooms can be found in My Library, under the Advanced tab. Make sure to check include custom content.
Credits: All artists whose objects I use with gratitude!
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.