![Sims 3 — Child Sitting Poses by jessesue2 — In reading stories, I've noticed the difficulty in getting children seated](/scaled/3296/w-600h-450-3296967.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
In reading stories, I've noticed the difficulty in getting children seated for conversations. I've included poses with children looking up at adults, and at the level of another child. I've also kept the faces neutral, as requested. 18 poses shown in preview pics
*27 poses
*pose list compatible.
*for those who prefer codes, a folder with those and pics on my site poses by bee
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1553173
ItemID: 1553173
Filesize: 418 KB
CC Used With This Set
Squat Pillow
c_bmit_childsit1b looking right up at adult
c_bmit_childsit1c looking left up at adult
c_bmit_childsit2b looking right at child
c_bmit_childsit2c looking left at child
c_bmit_childsit3 laying down, head on arm of couch
c_bmit_childsit6 laying on stomach, head on pillow
c_bmit_childsit10 laying on back, looking right
c_bmit_childsit11 shhhhhhh!
c_bmit_childsit12 sitting sideways, talking to pose 13 or 15
c_bmit_childsit13 sitting sideways, talking to pose 12
c_bmit_childsit14 on knees, leaning on couch
c_bmit_childsit15 sitting sideways talking to pose 12
Credits: Around The Sims 3
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