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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
A set of vomit poses, so the player and storyteller does not have to wait for their sim to be sick in game, to get vomiting pictures. Pose 6 was created for pregnant or larger sims. Pose 5-7 was created on an angle to the toilet for better picture taking.
*12 poses - pose list compatible
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1730536
ItemID: 1730536
Filesize: 192 KB
CC Seen In Pics (You may try your own objects)
Note: both objects need to be raised up into place, using the One More Slot Please Mod found at MTS
Large bowl
a_bmit_vomit1 (standing feeling sick)
a_bmit_vomit2 (standing, vomiting)
a_bmit_vomit3 (sitting with bowl)
a_bmit_vomit4 vomiting into bowl)
a_bmit_vomit5 (kneeling by toilet)
a_bmit_vomit6 (pose 5 for pregnant and larger sims)
a_bmit_vomit7 (vomiting into toilet)
a_bmit_vomit8 (sitting on floor feeling sick)
a_bmit_vomit9 (sitting on floor, vomiting)
a_bmit_vomit10 (kneeling, vomiting)
a_bmit_vomit11 (sitting on couch, feeling sick)
a_bmit_vomit12 (sitting on couch, vomiting in pail or bowl)
Credits: Around The Sims 3
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