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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
The idea behind this set, is to leave the meaning of the test result up to the decision of the storyteller. Perhaps the couple have been trying to get pregnant and the result is negative. Or the couple doesn't want to be pregnant and the test has come back positive. I'm hoping these poses are designed well enough to suit both situations.
*8 poses - pose list compatible
**pose code users can find a non pose list DL on posesbybee
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1659487
ItemID: 1659487
Filesize: 40 KB
CC Used With This set ( you could try another)
Pregnancy test
a_bmit_pregyesorno2 (goes with pose 1, holding pregnancy test)
a_bmit_pregyesorno4 (sitting sideways on couch, holding hand with pose 3)
a_bmit_pregyesorno6 (female holding test, goes with pose 5)
a_bmit_pregyesorno7 (male lying on bed, hand to head)
a_bmit_pregyesorno8 (female sitting on side of bed holding test)
Credits: Lies and Crooked Sims
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