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Created for: The Sims 4
Bo Charles is a teen girl, who loves music and sports. She wants to be a musician as soon as she gets out of high school.
Expansions I have:
Get Famous
Cats and Dogs
City Living
Get together
Get to work
Jungle Adventure
Dine Out
Spa day
Outdoor retreat
My First Pet Stuff
Laundry Day Stuff
Toddler Stuff
Fitness Stuff
Bowling Night Stuff
Vintage Glamour Stuff
Backyard Stuff
Kids Room Stuff
Romantic Garden Stuff
Movie Hangout Stuff
Spooky stuff
Cool kitchen stuff
Perfect patio stuff
Luxury party stuff
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1446649
ItemID: 1446649
Filesize: 75 KB
No sliders used. I tried to use minimal number of custom content.
CC used:
Skin overlay by FashionRoyaltySims: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-skintones/title/kylie-j-skin-%28overlay%29/id/1393081/
Skin tone by Ms Blue: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-skintones/title/skintone-set-v2/id/1313399/
Nose mask by RemusSirion: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-skindetails/title/nose-mask-02-overlay/id/1404387/
Eyelashes by Kijiko: http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-version2/
Eyebrows by Pralinesims: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-facial/title/stella-eyebrows-n85/id/1329223/
Lipstick by RemusSirion: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-lipstick/title/prime-lipstick/id/1424847/
- Custom content: CC used
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