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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Sam Winchester
Get to Work, Get Together, City Living, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Dine Out, Vampires, Parenthood, Luxury Party Stuff,Perfect Patio Stuff,
Cool Kitchen Stuff,Spooky Stuff,Movie Hangout Stuff, Romantic Garden Stuff,Kids room stuff,Backyard stuff,Vintage Glamour Stuff,Bowling Night Stuff,
Fitness Stuff,Toddler Stuff.
I tried to make young Sam Winchester, such as he was at the very beginning of the story). I hope that it looks like the original as much as possible).
In order for the character in the game to look the same as in the screenshots, you need to install additional materials into the game.
Read the notes of the creator.
You can use the character in your game and change it as you like. But do not post it on other resources as your work.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1406050
ItemID: 1406050
Revision: 2
Filesize: 89 KB
You need to download and install additional materials:
No sliders were used.
Straight Leg Jeans download here
Sparkling Lights Face Highlighter download here
S-Club WM ts4 Eyebrows F 201704 download here
Mouth Corners N03 download here
Beard N51 download here
S-Club WM ts4 Skin Detail Inner corner201701 download here
Supernatural Anti-possession Tattoo download here
3D Lashes Version2 download here
Rivix Eyes N101 download here
Male Hair LIMV download here
S-Club WMLL thesims4 BASSIS ND skintones3.5 MF download here
Skin Tones Glow Edition and Skin Texture Overhaul download here
- Custom content: Creation needs CC (links to all needed CC listed in the description)
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Straight Leg Jeans
- Sparkling Lights Face Highlighter
- S-Club WM ts4 Eyebrows F 201704
- Mouth Corners N03
- Beard N51
- S-Club WM ts4 Skin Detail Inner corner201701
- Supernatural Anti-possession Tattoo
- 3D Lashes Version2
- Rivix Eyes N101
- Male Hair LIMV
- S-Club WMLL thesims4 BASSIS ND skintones3.5 MF
- Skin Tones Glow Edition and Skin Texture Overhaul