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Created for: The Sims 4
Tony Brown is a family sim, he dreams about nice and cozy family corner, about kids and loyal partner with whom he can meet his old age. But his ego demands a brilliant career and all successful benefits from the high post. Will Tony become a best father and lovable partner or sacrifice his dream and time to get the high post on his job? Can he do both? Find the answers to this questions together with Tony in your exciting sims 4 journey;)
Game details and expansions I have installed:
Sims 4 Digital Deluxe
+ Vampires
+ Get to Work
+ Cats and Dogs
+ Spooky Stuff
+ Holiday Celebration pack
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1432777
ItemID: 1432777
Filesize: 78 KB
Tony Brown it's a Base Game sim I created specially for the NO CC sim challenge. I wanted to know if I can create a sim I'd like to play with without using custom content. Actually... He looks even better than I thought he would:D Unexpectedly:) I also made a video with "creating Tony" process, you can watch it on my youtube channel: https://youtu.be/LZsUkuEiD-o
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- Custom content: No CC used
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