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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
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Santa is known as being a jolly old elf, but as humble as he is, he really doesn't think he is any different. When he is no on duty, he cooks, cleans and spends time with his loving family. He feels honored to have the best job in the world, bringing joy to little girls and boys.
Please read the description below carefully. This sim comes with NO CC attached.
**Also please note that the hair/beard look grey in CAS but are actually white in game as shown with the in game pic.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1358894
ItemID: 1358894
Filesize: 1 MB
Santa does NOT come with any CC. You must download the CC from the links provided
My game is updated to 1.69
Santa comes with EA hair, makeup, eyes, glasses and clothing
One slider was used to make this sim (brow thickness)
Pictures are not photo shopped.
CC NOT INCLUDED WITH SIM (please download separately and add to the sim)
Skin tone
Small Round Glasses
NewSea Perry (free hair)
Santa Hat (from the Sims 3 store)
12 Facial Sliders by Bella3lek4
Thank you to Murano for the backdrop to take pictures on:
Credits: T.S.R. for their support and the creators of the custom content
Expansion packs: World adventures,Supernatural,Seasons,University
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: