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Created for: The Sims 4
I've gotten a lot of suggestions for height difference poses, so I cooked up something cutesy for you to enjoy! :)
5 in game poses
The Sims 4 Pose
Custom Thumbnail
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1450719
ItemID: 1450719
Filesize: 84 KB
How to use these poses:
Place two Teleporters in the same spot to pose. Then click on your sim then pose by pack and choose Close to Me Pose Pack.
How to use teleporter:
Buy the teleport statue and place it where you want your sim to teleport. The sim will appear in place of the statue.
- Pose player http://sims4studio.com/thread/2617
- Teleport any sim http://sims4studio.com/post/72734
- Height Slider (use the maximum height!) https://www.redheadsims-cc.com/2018/10/kosmo-grillz-collection-ts4.html
CC used: katverse.com/2019/05/23/close-to-me-pose-pack/
Credits: sims4studio
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