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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Cute and cozy bedroom, hope you'll enjoy! x
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1687727
ItemID: 1687727
Filesize: 67 KB
- Recoloring Allowed: No
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Aurum Bed Blanket
- Aurum Bedside Table
- Aurum Bench
- Aurum Double Bed
- Aurum Pillows
- Aurum Painting
- Bromine Plant
- Cobalt Picture Frame
- Chromium Tabletop Plant
- MinimalSIM - Dusicyon Candle I
- MinimalSIM - Dusicyon Candle II
- Gadolinium Wall Hanging
- Garrulus Pot V
- Indium Cup of Tea
- Neon Candles
- Nickel Shelf
- Silver Living Chair
- Silver Ottoman Table
- Sodium Lantern Candle
- Sodium Outdoor Plant III
- Ununpentium Plant
- Cnidaria Painting
- Abelia Wall Lantern
- Phlox Ceramic Christmas Tree II
- Holiday Wonderland - Flocons - Window (2x3)
- Anthracite - Hanging plant
- Attic - Suitcases pile
- Cottage - Boxes pile
- Dino - Plain color painted wallpaper
- Jules - Alarm clock
- Jules - Vase plant
- ife Livingroom - Letters pile
- Life Livingroom - Magazines pile
- Millennial - Notebook & coffee
- Parakeet pop - Rabbits jewellery holder x Cissouryne collection
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