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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
This is the second child's play pose set to the first one found here on TSR. This set contains 11 poses of children playing alone or with friends. The games include:
Pose 1 and 11 -piggyback horse races
Pose 2 -somersaults
Pose 3 and 4 -trust fall
Pose 5 -cartwheels
Pose 6 and 7 -wheel barrel races
Pose 8 and 9 -three legged race
Pose 10 -hanging upside down from bars
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1388010
ItemID: 1388010
Filesize: 162 KB
The poses should snap together for you with no issues, but if you need to tweak them, the use of the moveobjects on cheat using the alt key on your keyboard to position them could be used.
Pose 10- hanging upside down is a pose you can hang from many different objects, so I gave it no definite height. The use of the one more slot package from Mod the Sims will be needed to raise of lower the sim to the height of the object you want the child to hang from. Found here: http://modthesims.info/d/428179
Pose set is pose list compatible, however if you need the codes they are as follows:
Credits: TSR for their patience and great work!
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