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Created for: The Sims 4
The 80s ruled. The 80s birthed everything great we have today. Arnold Schwarzenegger defined action movies and the super bad-ass with Conan the Barbarian, The Terminator, Predator and more. Brooke Shields, Cindy Crawford, Iman and others created the whole idea of supermodels as we know it. Eddie Murphey, the first 'rock-star' comedian, has influenced every single young black comedian to come after him. As much as Arnold left his mark on action films, Harrison Ford has on the Adventure genre. The Raiders of the Lost Ark, Blade Runner, and The Empire Strikes Back have never been topped. And who can forget to thank Madonna for inventing pop music, now I love Lady Gaga but sorry, no ones topped the Material Girl. I could go on and on, (ie: The Thing, best horror movie ever made) but I'll stop. Let us thank the 1980s for creating cool by downloading this skirt!
Short URL:
ItemID: 1369058
Filesize: 131 KB
Requires: Cool Kitchen
- Type: Bottoms
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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