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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is a Set with 10 Creations - Click here to show all
The set includes 10 items:
Bathtub (6 swatches)
Bathtub tray with 5 small deco slots (8 swatches)
Candle (6 swatches)
Hair mask (10 swatches)
Hand cream (10 swatches)
Mirror (13 swatches)
Sink with 6 small and 2 medium deco slots (20 swatches)
Small plant (8 swatches)
Tall plant (8 swatches)
Towel (18 swatches)
All of them are Base Game compatible.
- Use the Set Color And Intensity option when you click on the candle in Live Mode to change the way it lights up to your preference.
- Use the bb.moveobjects code to place the tray on the bathtub. The tub is still functional with it, as you can see on the screenshots.
- Please don't modify, reupload, sell or claim my meshes as your own.
- If you'd like to support me, you can get EARLY ACCESS of my CC on Patreon.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1721813
ItemID: 1721813
Revision: 2
Filesize: 14 MB
- Recoloring Allowed: No

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