![Sims 4 — Retro ReBOOT - Dark Art Deco Living Room by SIMSBYLINEA — This living room tells a story of glitz and glamour,](/scaled/3250/w-600h-450-3250567.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
This living room tells a story of glitz and glamour, of parties and exciting times. The combination of dark colors like black and teal with gold makes the room feel exclusive, while it still is a very livable and comfortable space.
Room size: 7x6
Wall height: medium
Value: 16583
Type: Living Room
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1533340
ItemID: 1533340
Filesize: 67 KB
Please make sure to download and place the custom content in your Mods folder BEFORE starting your game and placing the room.
Don't forget to make sure mods are enabled in your game.
Please enter BUILD MODE first, and enable the following cheats BEFORE placing the room:
bb.moveobjects on
testingcheats true
This room has been playtested.
Please do not reupload my lots or claim them as your own.
You can find this room on Instagram too @simsbylinea.
Expansion Packs:
Eco Lifestyle
Discover University
Island Living
Get Famous
Cats and Dogs
City Living
Get Together
Get to Work
Snowy Escape
Gameplay Packs:
Journey to Batuu
Realm of Magic
Jungle Adventure
Dine Out
Spa Day
Outdoor Retreat
Stuff Packs:
Nifty Knitting
Tiny Living
Laundry Day
Toddler Stuff
Fitness Stuff
Vintage Glamour
Romantic Garden
Movie Hangout
Cool Kitchen
Perfect Patio
Luxury Party
Country Kitchen
And the free Holiday Celebration Pack.
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Emmanuelle - Curtains
- Emmanuelle - Sofa cushions
- RetroReBOOT - Claudette set - Armchair
- RetroReBOOT - Claudette set - Coffee table
- RetroReBOOT - Claudette set - Loveseat
- RetroReBOOT - Claudette set - Rug
- RetroReBOOT - Claudette set - Privacy screen
- RetroReBOOT - Claudette set - Sofa
- RetroReBOOT - Claudette set - Vase
- RetroReBOOT - Claudette set - Wallpaper