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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is a Set with 21 Creations - Click here to show all
Maxis match shabby chic living in raspberry, cream and black
I have all Expansion, Game, Stuff and Kit packs installed on my computer
Please see creators notes for the packs required for the full set to show in your game
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1585715
ItemID: 1585715
Revision: 2
Filesize: 7 MB
You will need the following packs for the full set to show in your game....
Base Game
Expansion Packs
University (Fireside Arm Chair) (End table)
Game Packs
Vampires (Table Lamp)
Stuff Packs
Kids Room (Vintage wall prints)
You can find the full set by typing in 'raspberry crush' in the search field whilst in build mode.
Always keep your game up to date and update any mods that could conflict with your game play :)
Images from Pixabay.com
Credits: Sims4Studio, Ravensheens Backdrop, Pixabay images
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio

This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.