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Created for: The Sims 4
Meet Seth, he's intelligent as he is handsome, but he is involved with some pretty shady characters in his criminal career track, he always dresses to impress and is a big fan of the classy gentleman style, he has dark hair and icy blue eyes, a muscular build and broad shoulders. If you get involved with Seth, you're most likely getting involved with his criminal family as well, they can't be all bad right?
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1383643
ItemID: 1383643
Filesize: 88 KB
I do not use the HQ mod when taking pictures of my sims.
No Custom Sliders were used in this creation.
Please do not modify and reupload or claim as your own.
This Sim was created using custom content. As for all Sims that contain custom content, in order for them to show up in your gallery in Sims 4 - You need to make sure the "Contains Custom Content" box is checked under the "Advanced" option on the left, while in your gallery.
These are the expansion/stuff/game packs that I have installed:
Dine Out Game Pack
Spa Day Game Pack
Outdoor Retreat Game Pack
City Living Expansion
Get Together Expansion
Get to Work Expansion
Movie Hangout Stuff
Romantic Garden Stuff
Cool Kitchen Stuff
Perfect Patio Stuff
Luxury Party Stuff
Holiday Celebration Pack
If you would like to use one of my sim designs to model with, all I ask is that you credit him/her and where to download.
Here is the CC I used to create this sim, you will need to download it separately to achieve the same look:
(Just click on the each of the item links to go to their download page.)
Skintone Set V3 - MsBlue
Markus Skin Overlay HQ - MsBlue
Skin Details-
WM thesims4 Body hair 01 - S-Club
Eyebags N10 - Praline
Bare Lips N54 - Praline
Lilium Eyes N81 - Praline
Kyle Hair - Ade_Darma
Beard N40 - Praline
MM Eyebrows N15 - Villainy - Praline
3D Eyelashes - Kijiko
Classic Vest - Birba
Classic Trousers Man - Birba
Madlen Orlando Shoes - MJ95
TS4 MK Hat N1 - S-Club
GothChic 01 - Zuckerschnute
Simply Clothes V - Zuckerschnute
Madlen Stromboli Shoes (Male) - MJ95
Designer Underwear - BillSims
Cuban Collar Shirt - SLYD
Summer Jeans For Men - PinkZombieCupcakes
294 - Swimwear Boardshorts - Sims2FanBG
- Custom content: Creation needs CC (links to all needed CC listed in the description)
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.