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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Functional Stylish Laundry in bright and white colors.
Size 5 on 7.
Built of medium walls.
This room is fully equipped.
It also contains a functional and decorative washing machine, the upper cabinets are intended only as decoration, the wardrobe is located on the left side at the entrance to the room.
Custom Content was used.
Please check all cc's in the Required Tab.
Please read the instructions in the Notice tab.
DO NOT re-upload without my permission.
DO NOT post as your own.
Always put a link to my creation on TSR.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1678164
ItemID: 1678164
Filesize: 99 KB
To install this room into your game, you need to
download the room, unzip room files
,copy room files and paste them into your Tray catalog.
All CC objects from Required Tab go to the Mods folder.
DO NOT re-upload without my permission.
DO NOT post as your own.
Always put a link to my creation on TSR.
Credits: All TSR CC's Creators!
- Recoloring Allowed: No
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Modern Luxury Dressing Room_corner m
- Modern Luxury Dressing Room_dressing table
- Modern Luxury Dressing Room_m1
- Modern Luxury Dressing Room_m1_door
- Modern Luxury Dressing Room_m2
- Modern Luxury Dressing Room_shelf corner
- Modern Luxury Dressing Room_hoodie
- Modern Luxury Dressing Room_pants
- Modern Luxury Dressing Room_jacket
- [Princess Bedroom] - dresser
- Skincare Deco Set
- Bathroom Pisces - Folded Towel
- Bathroom Pisces - Folded Towel V2
- The Laundry - Decoration - Washing Powder v2
- The Laundry - Decoration - Washing Powder v3
- The Laundry - Goodies - Ironing Board
- The Laundry - Goodies - Drying Rack Wall
- Magnolia Laundry Room Folded Towels
- Magnolia Laundry Room Laundry Detergent Container
- Wall Switch 7 Nightlight Mesh
- Rang Towel A
- Rang Towel B
- Pilar Oblon Fiip flops
- Designer Tiles 12
- [Spring Terrace] Window 1x3
- Bathroom charms - Baskets pile
- Naturalis baby lotions
- Naturalis wall kitchen paper towel
- Set Clayton - Shabby Floor
- The laundry room_Iron 2
- The laundry room_Softener