![Sims 4 — Winx Nose Ring - Left by christopher0672 — This is a super cute and dainty diamond-studded butterfly stud nose](/scaled/3682/w-600h-450-3682487.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is a super cute and dainty diamond-studded butterfly stud nose ring for the left side of the nose only.
8 Metal Tones + 8 Prism Swatches
New Mesh by Me
Custom Thumbnail
HQ Mod Compatible
---- All CC used in the preview is credited in the Creator Notes section! ----
+ + This item has 8 extra swatches made to work with the Color Slider Mod by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii. If you have the mod installed you can use the sliders to change the color of the diamonds!! If you do not have the mod then enjoy the extra swatches! + +
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1713311
ItemID: 1713311
Filesize: 369 KB
Hair: Simpliciaty Annie Hair (Patreon)
Poses by HelgaTisha (TSR + Tumblr)
Skin: SClub Naturel Overlay Women Skintone (TSR) + SClub Soft Female Skin Colorful (TSR)
Cheeks Overlay: NorthernSiberiaWinds CHEEK N1 (Patreon)
Eyes: Pralinesims Oasis Eyes N155 NON DEFAULT (TSR)
Eyelashes: MMSIMS 3D Eyelash v3 (Patreon)
Eyebrows: Alf-si Eyebrows 35 Ginger HQ (Tumblr)
Eyeshadow: Crypticsim The Neutrals Palette Vol. 1 (The Blossom Collection) (Patreon)
Eyeliner: Pralinesims Eyeliner N116 Cocoa (GRANDE Coffee Collection) (Patreon)
Waterline Liner: CrypticSim Passionfruit Liner (Tumblr)
Blush: Anonimux Simmer Blush N16 (TSR)
Lipstick: RemusSirion Proteomics Lipstick (TSR)
ReShade Preset: Simancholy Lunar ReShade (Slightly Edited by Me) (Tumblr)
Credits: Programs used to make this: GIMP 2.10.34 (for editing textures) Blender 2.79 (for meshing + baking textures) Blender 4.1 (also for baking textures) Sims 4 Studio (Star)
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