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Very stylish dining room for your sims! x
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1665870
ItemID: 1665870
Filesize: 53 KB
- Recoloring Allowed: No
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Achatina Sculpture
- Aurum Rope Pumpkin
- Aurum Wall Mirror
- Bromine Files
- Cobalt Elephant Sculpture
- Coturnix Rug
- Mid-Century Modern - Crabro Tabletop Decor
- Cycnus Curved Vase
- Gold Plant
- Holmium Empire State
- Indri Bowl
- Neptunium Books II
- Neptunium Books III
- Pterocles Candle
- Raphus Wallpaper
- Sulfur Ceiling Lamp
- Sulfur Console
- Technetium Dining Table
- Yttrium Candlestick
- Zinc Painting - V-1
- Zinc Painting - V-2
- Cnidaria Dining Chair
- Cnidaria Place Setting
- Cnidaria Plant
- Cnidaria Plates
- Gavialis Storage Box
- Ornatus Tabletop Face Sculpture
- Struthio Office