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RemusSirionMay 13, 2019

thank you ^_^ ♥

magicmorgieMay 9, 2019

hello!! dont worry! and I feel the same as you :/ s1/2 were making me really happy, s1 was soft and an introduction like you said and yeah s2 felt like we were making progress with the love square with glaciator and gorizilla etc and now yeah the plot is advancing but with the lovesquare it's like we're going backwards, or in the wrong direction idk :/ it's stressing me out and I dont like it, the gabriel and lila thing is gonna be a disaster but at least it's going with the plot instead of the love triangles c_c I think the 'actual storm' might happen right before the finale with that chat blanc thing and start for real with the finale x_x I think the english sub might be out if you wanna watch that before the dub though, because idk how long those are gonna take to come out c_c

magicmorgieMay 4, 2019

sooo I napped and when I woke up the reality of the lovesquare right now hit me in the face and it hurts and nvm what I said about it not being that bad it's bad and Im sad c_c why show why

magicmorgieMay 4, 2019

Im really really sick of the love triangles now though :/ and this is probably only just starting ugh :/

magicmorgieMay 4, 2019

I wonder where onichan stands in the order now? bakerix is obviously before backwarder, onichan after frozer and chameleon both, maybe after backwarder before animaestro? or before both of those? what do you think?

magicmorgieMay 4, 2019

I mean animaestro felt so much worse for me x_x thats probably why x_x I need to shut up Im rambling now

magicmorgieMay 4, 2019

maybe I dont think the adrigami was that bad because Im still fed up with silencer? cause thinking about it what she said is close to what luka said ughhhhh ew still I hate both c_c plagg was counting his cheese btw and tikki was like ?! they made a train underwater with superheroes?? and marinette was like no just people with machines lol

magicmorgieMay 4, 2019

ohhhhh also chat complained about adrien getting all the attention and that hes so much more charming and when he got slammed on that poster he said something like (iirc) 'what are you smiling about?!' lol

magicmorgieMay 4, 2019

for lila lying everywhere she started by saying she was behind for school to nino who told that to adrien and he said he'd help, in the car he said the worst grade he had was A- in math and with nathalie she said she was here to help adrien with his math cause he had an A- and he was behind so she basically turned that on them x_x

magicmorgieMay 4, 2019

okay nothing much actually happened with adrigami except she said something like 'hes perfect and the only one good enough for me' (and I think she said he's the only one she'll ever love too Im pretty sure thats what I heard but wtf??) when she was fighting chat noir and he looked shocked, so really I think he felt bad for her? oh and gabriel is basically seeing even more potential in lila and thats gonna be a mess OH and as hawkmoth he said something like 'adrien agreste is too innocent' yikes

magicmorgieMay 4, 2019

okay omg I didnt expect the amount of plot in onichan wtf, Im starting to like lila like you last time lol shes a great villain, I mean I want to hate her but shes so interesting wtf x_x and my hatred for adrigami is alive and well but omg bakerix lol his entire deal was basically they put rice flour in my bread how dare they thats not how you do it and pizza is gross you dont put tomato sauce on bread!!!!11 how are you coping \:o I havent slept all night and now I ended up in a mess of plot

magicmorgieMay 3, 2019

oh will you watch the episodes tomorrow morning? Im getting nervous already c_c

magicmorgieMay 3, 2019

ohh btw I was playing hyrule warriors and I looked at zelda's dress/armor thing again and I think you'd like the model for it, it's detailed and really pretty \:D look: \:D

magicmorgieMay 2, 2019

also I got a thought when I was showering cause thats how it is lol, did you notice how so far the only times we've seen adrien play piano are in the lizardman episodes?? do you think there could be something hidden there for the future??

magicmorgieMay 2, 2019

so apparently there are two new episodes on saturday, idk if you know anything about them at all but Im more excited for one than the other x_x

magicmorgieApr 12, 2019

your gabriel progress is awesome though \:D

magicmorgieApr 12, 2019

omg I saw someone compare the 'confession' (ew) scene to the umbrella scene and Im seething x_x urgh

SelengApr 10, 2019

Thank you so much ♥

magicmorgieApr 10, 2019

ohhh so those are juleka's pictures then ok good, and yeah Im sure he knew about her before, what with the pictures and juleka probably talks to him about her friends too. Im hoping hes gonna turn out to be trash (even more trash*) too! if anything just out of spite lol, yeah feri but doesnt she love nathalie and gabriel too iirc? I mean theyre great characters but theyre not exactly good x-x I doubt if theres gonna be a big twist there that shes gonna know though, it doesnt seem like thomas tells her everything, what do you think?? omg about being salty same, Im so mad and sick of all of this, like I said before one of the reasons I fell in love with this show was the lack of love triangle so now it just kinda feels like a slap to the face :/ especially since everyone seems to just eat up luka like hes god knows what urghgsdkjgdsh the rage x-x ohh I agree about oblivio!! it's like it was love at first sight all over again with those two, Im sure theres a soulmate thing going on too I really hope theyll expand on it, fu mentioning it once is not enough for my wellbeing especially when Im being forcefed lukas existence x-x ok thats a disgusting way to put it Im sorry lol x-x ""Luka and Kagami are there to make them open their eyes" or similar comes from the authors or from the fandom?" neither lol, my mom told me that when I was complaining to her about it and it made sense to me xD yup they do seem to be kinda the catalysts here but I really dont like it, especially with him, maybe because so far marinette was there when kagami was near adrien? and it pushes her? but with luka theyre mostly alone and it makes me sick x-x ohhhh!! the italian admins theory makes sense honestly, cause why else? lukanette has basically uhh.. no base? like what? he made eyes at her and strummed some dumb tune and she blushed? wtf. seriously on what basis are these people shipping this lol urgh. but honestly if youre in a hurry just ship alya and nino theyre cute and theyre together and cararouge is cute x_x and yeah again I agree, kagami is a little cold generally but her intentions are understandable, he isnt at all x_x seriously I understand gabriel and nathalie more x_x actually even fu x_x everybody here is more understandable than him x-X ugh what mystery hes just weird x-x "I'll going to have you sooner or later" (okay, this is way creapier written in this way)" oh my god thats so f********* creepy omfg, thats like typical villain move x_x but he is creepy anyway x_x like I barely know you but Im going to carry you on the ice rink and pretend I know your feelings and confess my feelings in a weird totally not rehearsed way x_x I cant understand or f********* stand him either, Ive been mad since captain trashrock and it's getting so much worse :/ oh my god the snake theory, what if youre right?? Im not sure thats too much of a stretch?? what if he ends up like theo? but on a bigger scale? yikesssssssss. idk if feri drawing him as a sticker changes anything tbh I mean you never know :/ I dont think the snake kwami is gonna be like that either, I mean just look at nooroo he seems so soft and nice yet gabriel is... gabriel lol. I dont think the kwami's behavior is necessarily gonna be related to their holders' behavior I mean. about the zodiac, charming my a** xD and no dont worry it wasnt bulls*** lol:B how are you feeling btw? besides the rage that is lol

magicmorgieApr 10, 2019

helloooooo!! \:D ohh I dont have the dlc, Im pretty sure Im gonna replay this game so I thought I would get it for a second playthrough \:D you should steal his console to look at the armor though :B I think you'd like the design of some of them \:D aww about the drawing D: on the bright side though, you're really good at 3d modeling \:D we've talked about the reason for chat blanc before I think and I think you had said something about him bottling it up? I wonder if his love for lb will be the actual trigger for it though? ugh I agree with you though, Im sooooooooo sick of everything about luka and how hes supposedly so perfect when his perfection is only headcanon and the eternal comparison with adrien UGH ugh Im gonna barf at everybody x_x and yeah about the recycling theyve already recycled so many scenes so it wouldnt surprise me if they did that there too :/ about the complete aspix design for adrien I dont mean he'll never use it, I mean maybe thats the reason luka will get it? but adrien could get it from fu himself or something another time? I cant wait to know either, the lovesquare situation is making me a bit sick right now, it's as bad as it was perfect with oblivio ugh :/ oh ok I thought you meant he'd be potentially as relevant as chloe, honestly though even if hes getting a miraculous I dont have much hope there :/ it just feels like hes there for the love triangle trash urghhhhhhhh Im so mad lol

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