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magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

and besides if new hawkmoth is not gabriel, what about mayura? is she dead? is she still there? did she give up? is she defeated? does she work with new hawkmoth? how did new hawkmoth come to be? did gabriel trust lila and she backstabbed him? did he find out adrien is chat and realized he was losing his sh**? did mayura take the miraculous and give him to new hawkmoth? if not lila is nathalie new hawkmoth and she wants to win no matter what? WTF

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

Im so f******** confused lol, I mean onichan threw so many unanswered questions at us but this definitely takes the cake

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

ok so I went to shower and ended up thinking some more in there as one does and I confused myself even more lol. ok so, theres another future hawkmoth and theyre all adults, but what does that mean for the show? will they defeat gabriel and then timeskip? this show tends to give a lot of details so I dont think theyd just skip 5 to 10 years that would be weird. or will it be time shenanigans? maybe present lb/chat will work with future lb/chat to stop (probably lila) new hawkmoth before it happens and kinda change the future? I mean it's either that or skipping so many years or detailing everything which is impossible if s5 is the last one :/

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

not to be a debby downer but I really hope luka isnt involved in that future superhero team crap cause I dont want him to stick to marinette like superglue >_> I mean unless he redeems himself but you know I dont have much hope there lol

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

who the f*** is the new hawkmoth though?? lila?? emilie? I hope it's not emilie thats a worst case scenario, and if gabriel is defeated why isnt the butterfly miraculous with lb/chat??? we just keep getting more questions thrown at us and zero answers x_x and am I the only one getting theyre totally married vibes on adult chat and lb?? ok it's just their backs and I wanna see everything but like oh my god ok I was dreading seeing the adult versions but seeing how pretty adult alix is I have faith. how old do you think they are?? it cant be more than early 20s can it? BUT HEY this means they get to keep plagg and tikki with them \:D my brain is fried though I cant anymore

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

also alya wtf how can you let lila near your sisters

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

did you notice nathalie called gabriel by his first name??

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

my brain fried oh my god THE TEASE I wanna see the adult versions so bad now wtf chat looks like hes gonna be massive??????? my brain stopped????? apparently timetagger said hawkmoth sent him but not this hawkmoth?? or something?? oh my god?? alix looks so good??

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

ladybug is the queen of transforming in open space lol

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

wait marinette said 'she stole both of our powers' but she didnt know miraculer'd taken chat's did she? huh

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

just what is it with that giant sword anyway lol

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

ok scratch the kinda mad I wanna hit nadia

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

french dub lila just said 'the girls who fight to seduce him' LOL

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

Im kinda mad at nadia though, she makes it sound like ladybug does everything and everyone else is a sidekick x_x

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

wait never mind I found it, I think it's a new one

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

why does the embarrassed face keep showing up instead of the o: lol

magicmorgieMay 18, 2019

is the miraculous to twitch account dead? \:o the livestream on rts works but what will we do if another channel airs the episodes instead x_x

magicmorgieMay 16, 2019

and omg he told onichan hes talking to the girl of his dreams? I forgot that, I love him so much hahaha omg, and actually about miraculer, the synopsis made it seem like chloe was being a pest and adrien was annoyed with her and went to tell ladybug to get rid of her when that was the complete opposite c_c hes so nice c_c

magicmorgieMay 16, 2019

I think your idea of going with the 'it's happening somewhere in time' is the best way to go about the order cause it's becoming too much lol, why wont they air them in order c_c I really dont believe thomas when he says theres no true order anymore, that might have worked for s1 and maaaaaaybe s2 but now it's just ??????????????? I dont understand anything xD

magicmorgieMay 16, 2019

helloooooo!! \:D Im actually not so good, Ive been having muscle cramps all week to the point where Im sleeping really badly c-c how are you though \:o hopefully better \:D and yes Ive seen miraculer! actually I feel the same as you did post-silencer, it made me enjoy the show less, including with miraculer :/ even though it was really really good I just keep being annoyed at the never ending lukanette x_x speaking of the order though, I got really confused yesterday, why is mayura here!!!!!!!! last time we checked gabriel told her not to use it, and lb/chat seemed to be more used to her so clearly theres an ep or two we're missing before this it's driving me crazy lol, I really like her as a villain though, what do you think?? \:o I think she might end up being my fave villain lol. and omg chloe resisted the akuma x_x I love her wtf x_x oh and what do you think about chat getting hit by cataclysm? for some reason I feel like it wasnt at full power? like maybe miraculer's cataclysm isnt as strong as chat's? or maybe cause it hit chat himself and it's not that effective on him? well it was but I mean it didnt kill him?? I almost yelled at the screen though cause please dont hurt chat and plagg c_c I care too much for those two x_x ohhhhhhh omg the ambrogisti analysis that actually helps a lot \:o thank you \:o I hadnt noticed the color schemes at all \:o only adrien and kagami both having rings and marinette and luka having earrings but omg, when you think about it it's more than just the outfit style, their families are 'similar' too, gabriel and madame tsurugi are both very strict while marinette and luka's families are pretty chill. ok this makes me feel a lot better thank you \:o I did end up thinking a few days later about onichan that he helped cause he 'cares as a friend', so really it's the lukanette that bothered me most x_x and I still dont understand tikkis deal? as secretive as plagg is about his feelings hes more understandable than her lol. btw apparently tsurugi is a japanese word for sword or something? Ill rewatch miraculer when it airs saturday, with the ambrogisti analysis I might enjoy it more :B and apparently timetagger is after it?? from the name alone Im expecting shenanigans lol, will you watch the livestream? \:o Im glad you didnt find any salt besides that comment! idk why that person would say that though?? actually Im dreading the chat blanc episode it's gonna hurt Im sure x_x dont worry about the old messages btw I dont even remember what we were talking about xD ohhh I knew you would like that zelda costume \:D it's gorgeous \:D hmm now I wonder if I can connect the switch dock to my laptop? I wanna try that now \:o and good luck outside \:D

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