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BeOSBoxBoy's Blog

Pirate Fever

Isn't pirate fever another name for scurvy? or is it malaria? I recently saw that some people think I have caught the pirate bug, some how, to me, this pirate fad is a bizarre thing I can't say I will ever understand. The very idea of heavily clothed murderous men with brown teeth in the tropics practicing dubious hygiene in an era when most people had two baths in their life-time and only used perfume as a means to stave off the plague... well, Hollywood and the Sims Community seem to have a different idea about these things. Thank god for soap and hot water. I do, however, have a fascination with the clothing, architecture, and arts of the 17th and 18th century; I think it has something to do with all the period art I saw while growing up in the Hermitage and St Isaac's Cathedral in (then) Leningrad; St Petersburg is a commercial sea port that came into being through the will of Peter the Great and it veritably drips with the history of that period. Maybe I will make something for the game that demonstrates my love of the more conventional world that existed during the "Golden Age of Piracy" -- which is a bizarre name for an era. I mean, really, millions of people lived in cities and had normal lives compared to the handful of pirates. My heart is on the side of the hard-working sailors and sea captains that were of the more honest sort, rather than the ones who would ransom captives or sell them into slavery; but they all wore pretty much the same clothes, used the same technology, and walked the same streets, so then as now, it takes all kinds to make a world.

Futonesque Fantasy Completer Set by MsBarrows :)

Recommended download:
Futonesque Fantasy Completer Set by MsBarrows

With my permission, MsBarrows made versions of my "Maxis-Matching Futonesque Loveseat & Chair" that pull the Maxis-object textures and recolours. I wasn't able to fully understand the method to do this, I count it an especial favour that she did this, and I am deeply flattered she thought this set so good that she did this work. I am truly grateful for her work and help in explaining this mind-numbing mystery to me in a simple language I could understand.

I want to stress, my object meshes may be used to whatever end any creator wishes. The meaning of "community" is simple and needs no especial articulation. We, all of us, learn from one another with the single goal of making this game a better thing than EA gave it to us. We each of us follow different paths and have different beliefs on what is the best way to do anything; it matters not to me if you use my meshes to trivial or majestic ends, but I would think it nicer if you did the latter rather than the former.

So my hat is off to MsBarrows for being one of the best citizens in this community I have so far met.

Visit MsBarrow's Mini-Site

nVidia DDS utilities updated =)

DDS Utilities version 8.31.0225.1745 released - please update your software

Note: If you are looking for texture compression tools, please take a look at nVidia's new GPU-Accelerated Texture Tools, which provide a 10x performance boost if you have a GeForce 8 Series GPU.

This installer includes four separate utilities:
* nvDXT - convenient command-line access to nvDXTlib functionality and more
* detach - extracts MIP levels from a .DDS file
* stitch - recombines MIP levels into a single .DDS file
* readDXT - reads compressed images and writes .TGA files
* nvDXTlib - library for working with .DDS files

The latest release includes several improvements:
* Support for Visual Studio 2005 and 2003 libraries
* Texture sizes up to 8k by 4K are now supported (previously 2k x 2k was the limit)
* Support for DXT5_NM (compressed normal maps)
* The "Fastest" quality mode has been significantly improved
* Internal calculations are now performed using floating point arithmetic, resulting in higher quality textures.

Download link:

Artists Loft Series Preview :D

Click Image To Enlarge Part One Armoire (Wardrobe) Bed-side night stand Coffee table Dresser (Chest of Drawers) End table Side-bar (3-tile) Side table (2-tile) Wall without wainscoting Wall with wainscoting Floor Part Two counters refrigerator (regular size) refrigerator (University/Wilde Campus-Jahre small size) low window table book-case table light wall light stacks of frames (d�cor) stacks of blank canvases (d�cor) roll of canvas cloth (d�cor) box of the tools for making frames and canvases Part Three a hot tub bench towel rack robe on a hook towels as rugs wall art more lights Part Four a bed (God willing & SimPE co-operating) sofa chair chaise-lounge desk room-divider/screen (d�cor) table clutter (d�cor) Part Five fence/railing half-wall with canvas inserts single-floor windows double-floor windows single doors double doors curtains roll-blind sun-shade ADDITIONAL PREVIEWS OF PART ONE Click Image To Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge

How to use this file

How to use this file

-- Un-zip the .package file to My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Collections
-- Un-zip the .jpg to My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Collections/Icons

-- Un-zip the .package file to My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads

>>Furniture & Objects
-- Un-zip the .package file to My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads

>>Walls & Floors
-- Un-zip the .package file to My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads

-- Un-zip the .png to My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/SC4Terrains
-- Un-zip the .sc4 to My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/SC4Terrains

-- Un-zip the .package file to My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads

Now, have fun!

�C�mo usar este archivo?

�C�mo usar este archivo?


-- Descomprime el archivo .package en: Mis Documentos//EA Games/Los Sims 2/Collections
-- Descomprime el .jpg en: Mis Documentos//EA Games/Los Sims 2/Collections/Icons


-- Descomprime el archivo .package en: Mis Documentos//EA Games/Los Sims 2/Downloads

>>Muebles & Objetos

-- Descomprime el archivo .package en: Mis Documentos//EA Games/Los Sims 2/Downloads

>>Suelos y Pisos

-- Descomprime el archivo .package en: Mis Documentos//EA Games/Los Sims 2/Downloads


-- Descomprime el archivo .png en: Mis Documentos//EA Games/Los Sims 2/SC4Terrains
-- Descomprime el archivo .sc4 en: Mis Documentos//EA Games/Los Sims 2/SC4Terrains


Descomprime el archivo .package en: Mis Documentos//EA Games/Los Sims 2/Downloads

Finalmente, que lo disfrutes!

Utilisation des fichiers

Utilisation des fichiers

-- D�compressez le fichier .package dans Mes documents/EA Games/Les Sims 2/Collections
-- D�compressez le fichier .jpg dans Mes documents/EA Games/Les Sims 2/Collections/Icons

-- D�compressez le fichier .package dans Mes documents/EA Games/Les Sims 2/Downloads

-- D�compressez le fichier .package dans Mes documents/EA Games/Les Sims 2/Downloads

>>Murs & sols
-- D�compressez le fichier .package dans Mes documents/EA Games/Les Sims 2/Downloads

-- D�compressez le fichier .png dans Mes documents/EA Games/Les Sims 2/SC4Terrains
-- D�compressez le fichier .sc4 dans Mes documents/EA Games/Les Sims 2/SC4Terrains

-- D�compressez le fichier .package dans Mes documents/EA Games/Les Sims 2/Downloads

Maintenant, amusez-vous bien!

Wie benutzt man dieses File

Wie benutzt man dieses File

>> Collections
-- Entpacke die .package Datei in Eigene Dateien/EA Games/Die Sims2/Collections
-- Entpacke das .jpg in Eigene Dateien/EA Games/Die Sims2/Collections/Icons

>> Kleidung
-- Entpacke die .package Datei in Eigene Dateien/EA Games/Die Sims 2/Downloads

>> Meshes
-- Entpacke die .package Datei in Eigene Dateien/EA Games/Die Sims 2/Downloads

>> M�bel & Objekte
-- Entpacke die .package Datei in Eigene Dateien/EA Games/Die Sims 2/Downloads

>> Nachbarschaften/SC4 Terrains
-- Entpacke das .png in Eigene Dateien/EA Games/Die Sims 2/SC4 Terrains
-- Entpacke die .sc4 in Eigene Dateien/EA Games/Die Sims 2/SC4 Terrains

>> W�nde & B�den
-- Entpacke die .package Datei in Eigene Dateien/EA Games/Die Sims 2/Downloads

Und nun, viel Spa�!

S� h�r anv�nder du filen

S� h�r anv�nder du filen

-- Zippa upp .package filen till Mina Dokument/EA Games/The Sims 2/Collections
-- Zippa upp .jpg till Mina Dokument/EA Games/The Sims 2/Collections/Icons

-- Zippa upp .package filen till Mina Dokument/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads

>>M�bler och objekt
-- Zippa upp .package filen till Mina Dokument/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads

>>Tapeter och Gold
-- Zippa upp .package filen till Mina Dokument/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads

-- Zippa upp .png filen till Mina Dokument/EA Games/The Sims 2/SC4Terrains
-- Zippa upp .sc4 filen till Mina Dokument/EA Games/The Sims 2/SC4Terrains

-- Zippa upp .package filen till Mina Dokument/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads

Ha s� kul!

OH! Sims can die in CAS!

Well here I sit, better than two weeks into the release of Seasons, and I am making odd little discoveries left and right. One of which may bear some serious study. It seems that a sim can indeed freeze to death in a custom CAS! that has been edited in Seasons. That bodes ill for us lovers of custom CAS! lots.

So far I have reports of other deaths, but I haven't been able to confirm lightning strikes or heat strokes. But it is pretty catastrophic for the game too. Crashes the game to the desktop every time. I will try to grab a screen capture the next time I am in game >_<

It also seems that the lot exporter has a variable bug that may or may not include recolours, custom content, or what-not. It seems to follow no pattern and may work perfectly well for some people. It certainly has taken the shine off this EP for me to discover these bugs that obviously point to some neglect in the QA testing (again).

On to brighter news, everytime I run The Sims (tm) Life Stories I am more in love with that game. It seems to capture everything that I was missing in so many subtle ways. I have to agree with daydream58 about SLS, "I'm more of a Life Stories fan after one day than I ever was a true Sims 2 fan." - - That says a lot when you consider I have been modding and creating custom content for both The Sims and The Sims 2 for a sum of 7 years LOL

My rating for SLS is now approaching 10 from its original 5, whereas Seasons has dropped to 6 from a previous 7.5 - if the lads at EA can turn out a bug-fix in a timely fashion, Seasons may pull back up, but that all depends on the lads at EA. Let's all hope John Riccitiello cracks the whip on the bug-fix as hard as his predecessor cracked the whip on getting this out to market with the bugs!

Latest Headlines

Pirate Fever Futonesque Fantasy Completer Set... nVidia DDS utilities updated =) Artists Loft Series Preview :D How to use this file �C�mo usar este archivo? Utilisation des fichiers Wie benutzt man dieses File S� h�r anv�nder du filen OH! Sims can die in CAS!
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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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