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Created for: The Sims 3
My Sims lacked a really rich and luxurious pattern, one that would match deep colours like wines, golds, blacks. I made this pattern to fit that bill, and I think it does. The design can vary as to what colours you use on it, this can easily be transformed into a modern pattern. It's a hand drawn custom pattern for the Sims 3 and appears in the fabric section. Download and enjoy.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/908142
ItemID: 908142
Revision: 3 (updated Jan 8, 2011)
Filesize: 307 KB
Please don't re-upload with anything except here at TSR. No exchange, thanks.
Credits: ShinoKCR and Roan_ for items used in the screenshot.
- Recolorable Palettes: 2
- TSRAA: Yes - What's this?
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