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Created for: The Sims 3
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I was looking for indoor pet house ideas and found this - a built-in pet house for the area under the staircase! It can also be used on normal walls.
I separated the pet house into two parts, door and interior. The interior part is technically the real pet house so only the interior part flies in the air and the door stays unmoved when pets woohoo. There are two door sizes, the smaller one is suitable for families that have only little dogs or cats. Please place a door on the wall first and then put the pet house interior behind the door. Click the interior part when your sim pet wants to sleep/sit in the pet house.
PS. You need to use MoveObjects On cheat when you put the door on the triangular wall under the staircase.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1128516
ItemID: 1128516
Filesize: 476 KB
Please do not clone, modify or reupload. This set requires Pets Expansion Pack.
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