Demented Designs (2941035)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (68 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Renaissance Festival
Published Mar 26, 2014
About Me
I am very grateful for the Select Artist position. We are not completely finished renovating our real home, so please forgive me if I have gaps in creations. Also my new computer is not cooperating at the minute, the graphic card has went out twice on me in the 2-3 months I have owned it. I think we have decided to just buy new ones.... AGAIN. In the meantime my game is crashing and not cooperating at all, so I apologize for not creating much lately. Thank you for all the support over the years, even when I am terrible at replying, the feedback means a lot to me!
My Latest Updates Show All
Homeschool & FeedbackWritten Jan 07, 2014
After years of watching my youngest son struggle through his school days with a deflating self-esteem, I finally decided enough was enough and pulled him out of school. We live in a small area so bullying is acceptable if you are a jock or belong to the right family lineage sadly. Aside from watching him get depressed, his grades were plummeting every year to the point he was... ...More
HelloWritten May 24, 2013
I am not even sure anyone visits my site anymore, but just in case... it has been a CRAZY year! We are getting to the end of rebuilding our home. It has taken SO long because we have done all the work and designing ourselves. It is becoming a thing of beauty. I have not given up on creating, but I have not had time to do much with my game. I have a couple of lots that I plan to submit when I... ...More
ApologyWritten Jan 09, 2012
I had several major complications arrive in my life shortly after accepting the Select Artist position. I needed a mental hiatus (or nervous breakdown) lol! Things are calming down now, and I am working through them as usual, but I wanted to apologize for coming up missing and not commenting back to people. I was quite simply overwhelmed with reality and could not muster up... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ClellanPeteFeb 20, 2018
Thank you girl
You had just what I was looking for. You are very creative.
Mystyque71Dec 08, 2015
Fellow WoW player here. Love your creation of Lady Sylvanas! Awesome job!! I wonder...think you can make Lady Alexstraza as well? Perhaps Arthas as well? Just food for thought....
KatTheEmoFreak-gamer-Mar 15, 2015
Hiya! I love your designs! I just have one little request, can you do like a super creepy gothic/emo? If not I am TOTALLY fine with that! I just think you're awesome and I think it's cool that you make whatever YOU want to and not others!