Ebonleif (2706986)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (14 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Asylvan Little Lolita T01
Published Aug 23, 2009
About Me
There isn't really much to tell...I'm not what most people expect to see when they hear I'm a grand mother lol! Don't get me wrong, I'm not out trying to recapture my youth, the truth is I never really grew up to begin with! I'm spoiled by those who love me and I spoil the ones I love as well!...I'm rather sure I don't play The Sims the way it was intended to be played but I enjoy creating things so I suppose that's a plus! I like to try and recreate clothing I actually own or clothing I would own if I could afford it
Asylvan was my original account but I've forgotten how to access it so you're stuck with Ebonleif which is another pseudo name I use on occasion!
My Guestbook Show All
Mistress_MidnightMar 12, 2017
Your CC is awesome!
ShetlandFluffJul 07, 2012
Wow! Your creations are gorgeous...I love your style
Santa-sanJan 27, 2012
Love your goth creations