Emma O (4976809)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (77 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Project 2012 Hadron Dining
Published Oct 19, 2013
About Me
Hello everyone, Emma here.
I'm a Fine Arts student and I love designing. All my items here, I've worked on by myself - from conceptualization to creation. I favour contemporary design, so my works will mostly be modern, minimalistic, Zen, and even futuristic.
Thanks and I hope you like my creations. And, yeah, feel free to leave a comment! I would really appreciate them.
My Latest Updates Show All
Hiatus?Written Oct 21, 2013
Hello, everyone. I suppose i should apologize for the relatively late release of my recent collection. I call it a distraction. They call it a fugue state. I'm kidding, by the way. But i can at least say that I wasn't in top shape for building meshes the past few months, and so was my laptop. So I had to study Level 1 object creation all over again as well as recall the kitchen collection that... ...More
Now... back to work!Written Mar 26, 2013
I've been quite busy settling priorities (and playing floorball with friends, heh) last week, so i wasn't able to make new stuff for uploading this week. I've been studying how to work on objects with animations when I've some free time, though. Now I've more time I can get back to meshing and object creation. Here are my new meshes. I think I can upload my new set in another two... ...More
Thanks, guys!Written Mar 04, 2013
So, there, I really wanna thank you for, well, supporting me. I never expected I' be able to get about 26,000 downloads in roughly 2 months, so, really, thanks, everyone! And, here, I've another mesh preview for you! I'm very wary about the polygon count now, and this one has about 307 triangles (I'm actually surprised - well, I used to not worry about polygons when meshing for other... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
vnv4Jun 16, 2015
Very nice items; thanks so much.
simtigergirl17Oct 28, 2014
your stuff is awesome
deathloveseveryoneMar 21, 2014
Everything you make is perfect! c: thanks so much