Hello, everyone. I suppose i should apologize for the relatively late release of my recent collection. I call it a distraction. They call it a fugue state. I'm kidding, by the way. But i can at least say that I wasn't in top shape for building meshes the past few months, and so was my laptop. So I had to study Level 1 object creation all over again as well as recall the kitchen collection that I intended to release after my Project 1827 Solenoid.
Then there's this fuss about The Sims 4. Right now I'm wondering if I should buy into the advertising, but I do think it's cool especially now that Maxis is working on it again. So I'm saying that its possible that I would give up on The Sims 2 and make the shift to that new one, since my laptop may not be able to handle or will have a hard time handling both games. I can only be so patient until I get a better one.
Finally, I think you've all noticed how awful my good ol' machine's anti-aliasing faculty is. My easiest option would be to render the previews outside of the game with the other software that I have. Of course, the previews then would not be exactly the same as how you would find them in the game and may even begin to raise doubt on the functionality of my works since you don't get to see them as they'd be in the game. So I'm sticking to in-game previews for now, until i get so disappointed with the anti-aliasing that I'd stomp back to my lab, take some snapshots of my prototypes, and do the post-processing because my standards are normally way up. But, yeah, I'm still new to the industry/ a designer-in-the-making so you really can't expect anything too spectacular from me just yet. :)
Thank you for your patronage, as always!