Gamerg (682873)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (259 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Starter Pajamas
Published Nov 15, 2005
About Me
Hello!~ I am an avid video gamer. I'm an American, live in the midwest with my boyfriend of many years. I like playing all kinds of video games, I have a gc/xbox/and ps2, and soon an xbox360, I play mostly rpgs tho~!, but I will play most anything, except I'm pretty horrid at sports games, hehee, except for racing ones which I think I am pretty good at. I also play MMORPGS on the computer.
I'm excited the staff here chose me to be a FA and I enjoy creating things for everyone!
I hope you like my skins and objects if in case you have any questions or problems you may always PM me.
My Latest Updates Show All
RetiredWritten Dec 09, 2006
I am offically retired. I've gotten very sick over this past year and can no longer create things. Everything of mine is fine to use for TSRAA purposes. I may pop in from time to time when I feel well. But I just don't have the energy to create anymore. Good Luck! GamerG ...More
Howdy!Written Jan 09, 2006
Hey everyone, as usual old man winter has us working very hard at the hospital, I'll be sure to finish up a few things here soon! Sorry there hasn't been anything new and exciting lately! -GamerG ...More
My Guestbook Show All
JimmusJan 08, 2013
GamerG, this is Jimmus, if you ever get on here, message me! Miss talking to you!
PralinesimsApr 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
SheeraDec 23, 2008
May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note! Zuzu.