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GrayDragonfly's Blog

Aug/Sept Updates!

I'm slowly trying to get back into the swing of things. I really don't have much motivation for creating anymore but every so often I'll work on a little something. So here a few things that I had finished up for you guys. First, the techie outfit for teens included in Free Time. It's one of my favorite Maxis outfits so I couldn't help recoloring it. Then aikea_quinea converted the maxis mesh for adults so I had to recolor that one too. And last, but never least, I started working on some jewelry sets right after my niece passed away in June. They are from Lianaa's full jewelry mesh. They include earrings, necklace, bracelet, and ring. I made each set for base game and Bon Voyage. *These are dedicated to my mom, who was called Mary by everyone but her real name was Ethel, she passed away a little over two weeks ago on Aug 6; my niece Hannah, who passed away a little over two months ago on Jun 21; and to my other beautiful nieces. I plan on doing ten total sets to represent all of them, so keep a look out for the rest.*

She's My Everything!

Sorry I haven't been replying back to comments and so on. I've been away from home for almost a month. As some of you might know my mother was diagnosed with small cell (lung) cancer last October. My mother was admitted to the hospital July 15 to have some test done because she was feeling sick for a little over a week. The test showed that her cancer had spread really fast over two months and was in her bones and probably in her brain. Two days later I received a phone call from my sister telling me that my mother was getting worse and the doctors didn't think she'd make the weekend. So my husband and I flew home to MS on July 18. I arrived to see my mother unconscious and all my family pacing the hospital room and halls. She had an UTI and was septic and she was entering the first stages of renal (kidney) failure. It was a really hard and upsetting weekend for my family. As Monday rolled around we thought this was it but that evening, out of the blue, my mother started waking up. All the doctors and nurses were really surprised. She starting getting better day by day. If she wasn't sleeping then she was talking up a storm and joking constantly. It was like she was making up for those few days she was out. She seemed to be doing great and her doctor had already talked about sending her home. I was fortunate enough to have spent most of those days and nights with her. But on July 29 her kidneys started shutting down again and over the next three days we slowly watched her slip away. She went into a coma by the weekend. She would wake up to stare at nothing and sometimes she would make sounds but she was completely unresponsive to our talking or touching her. Monday Aug 4 was her 62nd birthday and we tried to make it special for her even though she didn't know what was going on. Wednesday morning at 5:10 she passed away. The next few days were hectic. My father did arrangments the day she passed but myself and my brothers and sisters had a lot of loose ends that needed fixed. We waked her on Friday and had a funeral mass Saturday morning followed by her funeral. Everyone was in a daze and I'm still amazed my father made it through all of it, my parents have been together for 46 years. Sunday rolled around and next thing I know my husband and I are on a plane headed back to our home in Virginia. I just wanted to share this with everyone and let you all know that I'm holding up okay. It's really hard for me because my mother and I have always been so close. I'm the youngest of 8 children (4 boys & 4 girls) and my mom always referred to me as her baby. I also took after my mom in interest and personality. I've lived away from home for 10 years but tried to visit as often as possible just to spend time with my mom. I love the rest of my family but my mom has always meant the world to me. Right now, the hardest thing I'm dealing with is knowing she isn't going to call me. We were always calling one another to talk. I know as time goes I'll be okay but it's still hard. For the funeral mass the priest wanted someone to write a few things about my mom. Something short and sweet so he could know a little about her. So here's something I wrote. It doesn't tell everything about her. I don't think I could fill enough pages with what an amazing person she was. She was mine and my family's everything. She always will be!
Mary, was a loving and devoted companion and wife for 46 years to Stanley. She was an inspiration, role-model and amazing mother of 8 children, 16 grand-children, and 3 great-grand-children. She was very creative in many aspects and enjoyed drawing, painting, and quilting most. She loved music, whether it was listening or singing and she loved to relax with a good book. Family was very important; so cooking for the holidays was always looked forward to. Her favorite time of year was the Christmas parties when she shared time with her 10 sisters. She was everything good, a free spirit with a lively personality. She loved to socialize and thrived when around family and friends. She cherished past memories, whether it was with pictures or sharing stories and loved taking care of everyone around her. She was Strong in Heart, Body, Soul, and Faith! She will be Loved Forever and Missed Always!

July Updates!

With all that has been going on personally I considered not updating for some time, if at all. Actually, I was on the verge of retiring my select artist position. After my niece passed away last Saturday, I started trying to put things into perspective and a game just wasn't topping the list. But as the days have been passing I made a decision to stick it out for the time being. I decided instead of retiring to just take a little break. I didn't want to leave you guys empty handed so I finished up some old projects and will release them for July. You guys probably won't even notice me gone, except for me not answering back to comments or emails for some time. I'll try checking in every so often though. I'm sure after a few weeks I'll be ready to start working on some more stuff. Here are the updates for July, hope everyone likes!! This is from the base game so no expansion is needed. If you notice, I changed the dress underneath, I didn't think the original was that cute so put one that was. These are the last walls I have plan to do for some time. I'm not really digging the wall and floor recolors. If I do anymore I will upload them though but I haven't fully decided.

Forever In My Heart

I know some of you read about the medical issues with my mom and niece both having cancer. This pass Saturday my niece, Hannah, passed away after a four and a half month struggle with Leukemia. I won't be able to fly home for the wake and funeral so I wanted to do a little memorial picture so everyone can see what a beautiful young lady she was.

June Updates/Files Removed!

~*~Files Removed Again!! - Update: 8 June~*~
Same issue as yesterday with files being reported so I removed them again. It's a site issue! I retested my files today to make sure they work in-game and everything worked fine. I think I might pull the files until I hear something about the issue being fixed. I'll try to keep you all updated. Again...Sorry for the inconvenience!!
~*~Files Removed! - Update: 7 June~*~
I had three reports for missing files submitted on my Seasons Child Sundress set which caused TSR to automatically removed them. Because of that I decided to removed all the files for this outfit and will re-submit them tomorrow. The issue with the files is a site issue and not my files. Apparently, the file missing problem has happened off and on in the last week or two. Some people have had to wait a few hours and try again to get the files to load. If you have this problem again, please wait and try to download the file at a later time. Sorry for any inconvenience!!
~*~June Updates!~*~
Sorry guys...I'm a little behind on updates. I try to get something new out once a week but sometimes things don't go as planned. I was gone for three weeks for a family emergency in MS and just got back home in VA a few days ago. Currently, I'm trying to get things at home in order after being gone for so long. I might be a little slow getting recolors out over the next few weeks but I will try to do my best. Fortunately, the weeks I was gone I had enough recolors finished to complete the month of May. You guys probably didn't even notice I was gone. Right now I'm kinda pushed back again so I'm slowly getting around to finishing up various projects. I do have some stuff complete though and I'll get that out to you guys first. Hopefully, I can finish up more wall recolors and maybe even work on a few object recolors. Here's what I have for you guys this month... This outfit was originally a Maxis adult mesh but I thought it suited elders more so I changed it up a little and re-categorized it. Hope you all like!

Family Emergency!

***Update - June 2***
This is the first real chance I've gotten to sit down and write to let everyone know how things are going. I'm still in MS with my family and my mom was discharged from the hospital last Tuesday, 27 May. She is doing better but not quite 100%. That's to be expected though. This whole experience was a big scare for the whole family, especially when I was called Monday while flying home and was told that during the night my mom's heart stopped and she had to be resuscitated twice. For some reason after being resuscitated her body seemed to reboot and she started to get better, slowly but surely. After a few days in ICU, she was able to be moved to a regular room in the cancer wing. The reason for her hospitalization was caused from a new chemo treatment she was given the week before she was brought in. Here's a short version of what happened to caused her hospitalization. The chemo caused her body to produce blood slower and since she's already anemic not enough blood started causing issues with her heart and caused it to stop. She also had a really bad infection that set in and started to take over her body. Anyway that's a short version. Right now, she's doing good but she's having trouble getting around (she's also an amputee) but me and two of my sisters are helping her out with that. My niece is also doing better. She was diagnosed with Leukemia this past February. I seen her last in November '07 so I was really happy to be able to visit her twice these pass two weeks. She also started a new chemo that seems to be working. The doctors are expecting her to start remission soon. If she does she'll be sent to Children's Hospital for a bone marrow transplant in the next few weeks. I want to thank everyone who PM'd me or left comments. I really appreciate all of the prayers and support. Thank you guys sooooo very much!!!
***11 May***
I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be around for a while due to a family emergency. My mother was diagnosed with small cell cancer in October. She went into remission in January but the cancer came back in March. Last night she was rushed to the hospital with a severe infection and is now in ICU. The doctors are doing all that they can but still told my father that all the family needs to be contacted to know how serious her condition is. I'm flying home tomorrow on a one way ticket to be with my family in Mississippi. I have no idea when I'll be back to my home in Virginia. I have uploads already set to go out until the end of the month but I won't be able to reply to messages or comments. Thanks! Priscilla
These ribbons are for my mom, Mary, who was diagnose with Small Cell Cancer in October '07. My 11 year old niece Hannah, diagnose with Leukemia in February '08. And my uncle T-Boy, diagnose with Lung Cancer in '04 (he was in remission until this past March)!

Yea...I'm a Select Artist!!

Wow, I've been choosen to be a Select Artist...Yea Me!!! Talk about a surprise, not that I don't think of my creations as being quality but you never know what other people actually think, and I thought it would take a whole lot longer to even be looked at. I feel very honored. Now I just hope I can live up to the SA name. That being said, I want to thank everyone who's been downloading my creations and everyone who's left really great compliments on them. You guys are awesome!! Then last, but never least, the TSR staff and all the other SAs and FAs! All you guys are pretty awesome too!

Updates for May!

It's that time again! Here's a few previews of what's to come over the next few weeks. I'm still working on these trying to wrap up any last minute stuff...previews and packaging. All that fun stuff. I really haven't had much time lately to work on any of it. The real world has taken over and I've been strapped for leisure time. I have several outfits and wall sets finished but haven't had the time to work on the minute details of readying them for upload. The walls include 28 colors for each set. They're simple maxis styles and some random colors that I really like. I use these in my own game so I thought I'd share them with you guys too. I hope everyone is enjoying my work. Happy Simming!!
~*~This first set will actually be released next week. The rest will be in May.~*~

Upcoming Sets!

Here are some previews of upcoming sets. They'll be uploaded sometime in the near future after I get the Adult H&M Fashion Miniskirts up. I'm only doing a few more matching color clothing sets and then I'll probably move on to some other things. I'm working on some walls and floors right now. I might even get around to recoloring some objects. My time has been pretty limited over the last several weeks so it all depends on when I can squeeze in some work...Or should I say fun! ;) I hope everyone likes!!

Updated Files!

Update on Argyle Outfits! It was brought to my attention yesterday that the argyle pattern doesn't line up on a few outfits. Thanks to Jadedicara at MTS2 for pointing this out to me. The problem was only on the Athletic (Gym Wear) and Short outfits. On the Shorts it's a very slight misalignment but I changed the pattern to make it smaller and to line up. I couldn't line up the sides though, so if this bothers you I'm very sorry. Please download the new file, it will overwrite the old one. The files at MTS2 have also been updated! If there are any issues with the new texture please PM me. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Latest Headlines

Aug/Sept Updates! She's My Everything! July Updates! Forever In My Heart June Updates/Files Removed! Family Emergency! Yea...I'm a Select Artist!! Updates for May! Upcoming Sets! Updated Files!
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