Grizzelda (645691)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1115 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Camp Set for Adults
Published Aug 25, 2008
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About Me
I love creating for the sims community. I used to take requests, but I have found that I don't have the time to do them anymore. I love ideas and am often inspired to create by others' ideas, so I may create your idea if you send it to me, but I can't make promises. Since I've started taking classes and am doing overtime at work, I only create a few hours a week, but I do love doing it, so I won't be stopping any time soon. Happy Simming all!!
My Latest Updates Show All
Walking Down Memory LaneWritten Jul 25, 2015
I was just looking at some of my creations and reading my tutorial on meshing and wow--what a long time ago it all seems. I quit meshing and creating because my work life exploded at the same time as my computer died in a wind storm. I was sad to leave it behind. I do still miss it at times, but really my inner geek has fun at work (I'm in accounting--spreadsheets yay!) and my inner artist... ...More
Sims 2 UltimateWritten Jul 19, 2014
Terrible feelingWritten Nov 15, 2008
Well, this is good-bye I suppose. I've had a fun ride with TSR, but with all of the work issues and computer issues, I just can't see staying around. I requested Thomas and Steve to drop me as an FA--and they did without a word. So, thanks guys! Anyway, if I am ever up and running properly, I'm sure I'll create again. Keep your eye out for me. Cheers and happy Simming! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Lalito_dll1May 17, 2018
what software do they use to create these designs?
I have some ideas in mind.
I would like to do them myself
jes sale Apr 04, 2015
thanks for sharing all your great creations! luv the plus size meshes too!!
PralinesimsApr 24, 2011
Happy Easter!