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Jaws3's Guestbook

Nox Noctis DeaFeb 28, 2009

Hey, me again anyway i read your story 'Dragon Skin' it was good! but to be completely honest I don't like the idea of prophecies in general. Or mystical creatures. Though there are exceptions obviously, I just recently started writing a 'sim story' dont really know how it'll turn out really and I've written proper stories on another website. Aand now i'm blabbering. Anyway loved the second part of Digging up Dinosaurs!

tdyanndFeb 26, 2009

Howdy! Thanks for another comment! \:D

Nox Noctis DeaFeb 25, 2009

Yeap! Seriously though, where I go to school I have to be in school for about eight and a half hours *GASP!* Oh the horror! Insanity ensues because of this. ah well. I'm alittle annoyed right now because my sims 2 game decided to be difficult and now it keep crashing, though hopefully it'll be fixed soon, and continue your story when ever you can, really liked it!

DiamondSimFeb 24, 2009

Yes! That is me! I wanted a "simmy" name when I joined here a hundred years ago. Now I am Kattzyze everywhere BUT here, lol! And the people who know me best, know me as Kattzyze, NOT DiamondSim! So just call me Katt--as soon as I make my new banner it will say Kattzyze. I don't know if I'll ever be able to convince them here to change my name to Kattzyze, but Heather has a plan....and maybe it will work, though it may take a year or so.....yes, I tend to talk too much occaisionally! :P

Nox Noctis DeaFeb 24, 2009

Thanks! And yeah I AM new here, haven't really done much and won't for a while because teachers seem to find it funny to torture us. Oh well.

DOTFeb 24, 2009

Thanks for your comment on my Pet Table Lamp!  Hope you enjoy it!  I saw one in RL and thought they were too cute \:D  Your banner is funny LOL!

tdyanndFeb 24, 2009

Oh...the dragons. :| It's just another website we all got into at one point where you adopt a dragon and feed it and care for it and let it grow up...nothing too spectacular. \:\)

WarrayfinsonFeb 23, 2009

Nope! No nightmares, in fact I had really good dreams :P. I accidently locked my key in my locker so they had to break my lock off! \:eek\:

tdyanndFeb 23, 2009

Yep, saw you at The Shack. Hope you like it!

tdyanndFeb 22, 2009

You should do some posting at The Sim Shack. It'll become an addiction REAL quick! \:P And about my Sims3 Profile, I had sooo much fun with that Create-A-Style thingy...it was awesome to recolor that stuff!

ProwlerTyloFeb 22, 2009

Hello: Your welcome, take care and have a great weekend.

WarrayfinsonFeb 21, 2009

THANKS!! Here, have some cake, its sponge cake! *Gives a chunk of sponge cake over* Not too long ago I watched Jaws on TV actually now that youravatar reminds me! \:D

damnanoirFeb 21, 2009

my plaisure!

WarrayfinsonFeb 21, 2009

YUMMY!! \:D As for the boot camp, it was hard \:eek\:  He was like one of them army generals and bodybuilder combined. I remember when we got outside and my teacher was calling the roll we were all wondering what we were going to o today.Then we see from the main building 3 girls carrying a rope on their shoulders, it was one of them tug-a-war ropes. Then not far from behind them we saw HIM. HE came swaggering down to us. We all looked at him and as he got closer we saw written on his cap and t-shirt was the words "BOOT CAMP" We looed to our teacher, she smiled "Yep, that's right" I started to shake. For the first few minutes he yelled in our faces saying what we were going to do and how we were going to do it \:rolleyes:. The warm up was 3 laps around the oval. When that was done he got us to do 50 pushups. At one point he put his boot on my back rying to get me to lift his boot! \:eek\: And my back was killing me. Then my teacher came 40 push ups later and told him I had scoliosis. He took the boot off and thats how my back hurts so much. The rest of it invovled using the tug-a-war rope as a weght while we ran with it on our shouders and holding it above our heads. I won't go into the rest of the course 'cause there were so many things we did that were painful. But by the end of it I felt like I was going to puke \:puke\:. I didn't though and when he turned his back to us he made all these rude signs at him. But when he turned around again we all waved and tried to look as though we were grateful he came today. He turned around again andup came the rude signs :P. But that was boot came for you. ANYWAY, TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! \:D \;\) \:\) 

tdyanndFeb 19, 2009

\:eek\: You've been to the SimShack?! \:D Cool! I hope you like it enough to stick around! That story was so much fun to write as it was a joint effort.

WarrayfinsonFeb 19, 2009

Hey! \:\) The joke you currently have now really cracks me up \:D. Anyway, nothing much appart from all my aching joints and muscles from boot camp! \:\( The guy that was our instructor was like an army general or something! \:eek\: He even put his boot on my back \:mad\: Oh, and my birthday is 2 DAYS AWAY!! \:D \:\) What about you? \:\)

BBKZFeb 18, 2009

Oh! I forgot about something (silly me \;\) )... When Cassie asked Don to marry, he ran away. But after moving her into Don's house he asked her to marry and everything was fine \:\)

BBKZFeb 18, 2009

You're right. It was impossible to get them married too. For me only when Cassie was living with her father & brother in that old house. So I decided to move her to Don's house. He's still Romance sim but I choose Family as his second aspiration. It was easier. But Don still have many dillemmas: have affairs or maybe love only one woman - Cassie (and their daughters of course)... Thank you one more time for your opinions. Happy simming! Barb

BBKZFeb 18, 2009

Hey there \:\) Great to come back here and say "thank you" for another comments on screenshots. I have to admit that I also love that new haircut I used on few female sims. My cousing from Canada bought me new collection from Sims2Store and that haircut was included... I hope you're having good day \:\) Barb

DiddakoiGirlFeb 17, 2009

Thanks for all your comments on Escape! \:D Your banner made me laugh :P

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