Liesanne (287289)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (93 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ceramic Tile Walls
Published Jun 11, 2007
About Me
Hi, I'm Nieky. I really love my cat Sindy and polar bears!
In January 2007 I rediscovered the sims, and I'm totally hooked on it again :-) I tried to create some things myself and for a while I was addicted at making atomic tile walls and floors for my simmies, but after 10 sets I thought it was enough ;-)
My Guestbook Show All
charrayJul 23, 2009
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your wonderful creations Great job on them!
AlyoshaJan 01, 2009
Hiya! Happy New Year! Just wanted to let you know that after 1.5 years, the FIFTH PART of THE BLACK STATUE is already published! Hahaha... Hope ya still read it, and I hope you won't be disappointed! Sorry for the VERY VERY VEEEEERRRYYYY LONG delay!
Thanks again, Alyosha
DirtdevillJun 26, 2008
Hi, Liesanne! Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great & Simtastic day with a lot of nice presents!!!