Dirtdevill (1148370)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Jun 21, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (421 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Toddlers Floral Spring dresses
Published Feb 22, 2009
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
When the Sims1 was released I started Simming, creating houses and recolored a whole bunch of clothing & walls to make the Sims world more brighten and collorfull for my own use.
After the release from the Sims2, I decided to share my creations and started a Minisite on TSR, wich I enjoy very much!!
My passions are; Creating clothing recollors based on the original Maxis meshes, building lots, taking screenshots, and of course to play this wonderful game!
Thank you for visiting my Minisite, I hope you enjoy!!
My Latest Updates Show All
A New Poll& Poll ResultsWritten Aug 25, 2008
Hi, all! Today I added a New Poll. The question is about a picture with one of my new moddels. It's a very easy one, isn't that nice? And here's the result of my latest poll. PollsQuestion: Do you like Magic? Yes 68.75% (22) No 25% (8) Question: Do you like the new look on my Minisite? Yes 81.25% (26) No 12.5% (4) Question: Do you like Fairytales? Yes 75%... ...More
Previeuw for this weekWritten Aug 21, 2008
Hi, all! How are you? At the moment I'm at my hubbies pc. Because of the continnuing errors it's the only way for me to update my blog and to submit my sets once a week. But never mind, here's a little previeuw for you to have a look at my upcomming stuff. The first upload for this week is a Victorian residence. This house is build on a 3x4 lot. It's a little bit bigger then the... ...More
Previeuw for the coming updatesWritten Aug 13, 2008
This week I decided to create some nice recollors to update the closet for our Teen girls. I submitted 4 simsuites with the same patterns I've used on the swimsuites for adult females to. I also created 3 different stylisch outfits for them with original Ed Hardy and Roxy patterns. Hope you like them! Thanks for dropping by and wish you a happy Simming! Greetz,... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
qvisnJan 01, 2010
Happy new year to you and your, wishing you health, peace and happiness. xx
DOTDec 25, 2009
~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~
Audrey MayDec 21, 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!