MadameBee (42913)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (62 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Flourish 3&4 by MadameBee
Published May 14, 2014
About Me
I'm back to making things for Sims 3! Since I use a Mac, it's difficult to find ways to make things - but I'm determined to do so. I started out making "skins" for Sims 1, some of them were featured here at TSR. Now I'm making patterns for Sims 3, I hope you find some you like.
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My first 1000 downloads!Written Apr 22, 2014
You have to start somewhere... and I've now had over 1,000 downloads of my patterns. More to come - stay tuned! ...More
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marcorseMay 05, 2014
Thanks for the great comment on my Pool wallset . . .and yeah! don't I wish I had that outlook every day? . . . .however, it IS a real place in the mountains locally, but it's a private home, so . if I told you where it was, I'd have to kill you!!
I'm loving your patterns, even though I don't have the time to spare to more than look at the moment. You have a real knack and that's not something that comes easily. Keep on patterning, MBee.
peggyrossApr 30, 2014
I just got your patterns Flourish 1&2, they are lovely patterns. Thank you
italiangirl629Jan 11, 2011
Hi!! I'm so glad that you like my Paintings and that you took the time to let me know -- I really do appreciate it! I felt the same as you -- I never found Art that I liked on here -- I'm not a flower or apple kinda person! That was the biggest reason that I started to create my own. I have been getting alot of great feedback like yours since I started sharing them a few months ago and it's been a great motivator to continue. Thanks so much again and have a great 2011!! ~Angela