italiangirl629 (3254646)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (529 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Marilyn Monroe Collection
Published Jun 8, 2011
About Me
Hi Everyone --
I am on hiatus until further notice -- too much going on with work and online classes. Please continue to enjoy the 500+ creations that I have created here over the past year.
Ciao for now! Angela xxxooo's
My Latest Updates Show All
The Amazing Artist -- MADART!Written Mar 31, 2011
Hi Everyone!! I am thrilled to announce that I will be creating New Paintings by the Brilliant Artist -- MADART! As of now, you can download 3 of her Paintings at my Minisite: Rennaissance, Lunar Eclipse & the very popular Blue Desire! -- and there are lots more coming your way! I know you'll LOVE her Art as much as I do!! You can take a glimpse at her Gorgeous Art... ...More
Thank You My FriendsWritten Mar 06, 2011
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am back after a brief hiatus. My Dear Father passed away after a long illness and I would like to Thank all my Dear Friends here for all of your thoughts and prayers during this very difficult month. I take comfort knowing that he is with my Beloved Mother who he has missed so much the past 8 years. Thank you so very much again! ... ...More
The Art of Amanda Hone!Written Jan 16, 2011
I am so very excited to announce my new Showcase of Paintings by the Beautiful Artist -- Amanda Hone! I fell in love with her Art the second that I layed my eyes on it and I am very proud to share it all with everyone here on TSR! Please visit my Minisite to catch a glimpse of her AMAZING work! You can visit Amanda at -- Enjoy!! :) ~ Angela... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
fragbert66Aug 13, 2019
Just downloaded all the San Francisco artwork. Grazie, bella! Ciao!
Indre110Jan 22, 2014
love the Godfather portraits ♥
terifiiFeb 16, 2013
amazing things! :') thanks