Maggie101 (656823)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (147 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

TC51 Cool Breeze Living
Published Nov 30, 2007
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About Me
If you have been reading any of my forum stories (The Hunter Legacy and So You Want To Be A Sim), thank you. I am always happy to read all your comments and it helps to keep me going. Thanks also for your patience and support even when updates were scarce.
If you have downloaded any of my creations, I hope you enjoy them in your game. Feedback is great so feel free to leave a comment, sign my GB, or even PM me. And thanks for hitting the thanks button!
My Latest Updates Show All
Caravan Shop Sims2 is now Sims Design AvenueWritten Feb 12, 2008
I've edited my recolors of Caravan Shop Sims2 meshes to point to the new site but in case I missed any of the individual items, the link to the new site is this: Some of the credits would still show Caravan Shop Sims2 though, as I only fixed the mesh link. Due to some RL issues, I really don't have much time at the moment to go through editing... ...More
NaNoWriMo Winner! So what now? Written Nov 27, 2007
Whew! What an exhausting November! But yes, I did hit my 50K so I guess it can be done. You just need to have the discipline for it—which of course, I’m promptly throwing out now that NaNo is over for me. LOL. The Legacy is back, a teen bedroom coming up for December, and a living room set to celebrate the end of NaNo and the return of procrastination… er, I mean relaxation. =) I’m... ...More
If it's not one thing, it's another ... and 100,000 downloads!Written Nov 04, 2007
~ Originally posted on Oct 24 ~ OK so it’s official, the Legacy will remain on hiatus. And So You Want would go into hiatus as well. The TC63 Sanita will be finished and submitted as scheduled and if I have enough time before November kicks off, hopefully finish a request bedroom set as well that I’ve already started. What I’ve done this time is signed myself up for NaNo Writing. I’m not... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
andi and grimJan 08, 2009
Thank you!
SaozDec 24, 2008
I'm glad to hear everything is well with you. Wishing you a very happy holiday season, and all the best for 2009.
andi and grimDec 24, 2008
Hi, have a merry Christmas and a great new year!