If it's not one thing, it's another ... and 100,000 downloads!
~ Originally posted on Oct 24 ~
OK so it’s official, the Legacy will remain on hiatus. And So You Want would go into hiatus as well. The TC63 Sanita will be finished and submitted as scheduled and if I have enough time before November kicks off, hopefully finish a request bedroom set as well that I’ve already started. What I’ve done this time is signed myself up for NaNo Writing. I’m not sure whether I could pull it off or not; I haven’t even planned for this. It just … well, sort of happened. I tend to drag my feet when it comes to writing because of plot points, details-details-details, and a gross amount of editing before I get very far, which of course usually means I don’t get very far before I get bogged down by it all. Hopefully, NaNo would give me a much-needed exercise so wish me luck in getting up to my 50,000 words!
And YAY!! on reaching 100,000 downloads! Thanks to everyone who has downloaded my creations. It wouldn't have been possible without you and knowing that a lot of you are enjoying them in your game (hopefully! LOL) definitely makes it all worthwhile!
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