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MsBarrows's Blog

5 Million Downloads



Some time in the last 24 hours, my downloads counter rolled over the 5,000,000 mark - a pretty significant milestone. Thank you to everyone who likes downloading and using my creations :)

File Fix - Old World Windows & Doors - Part 2

Found out today that the "OW Part 2 - Window Smaller - S" from my Old World Windows & Doors - Part 2 had the wrong file attached - oops! I've uploaded the correct file and it should be available for download shortly. I'm also making the set free for a month so people who previously downloaded it, but no longer have a subscription, can get the fix.

Old World Completer Set - Part 1

Part 1 (of at least three) of my Old World Completer Set is completed, uploaded, and will be available for download as of tomorrow. This project keeps growing by leaps and bounds - it started out relatively small, but with all the variations I've thought of so far, has become pretty darn huge. To the point that I've abandoned my original plan of releasing it all at once, and am releasing it in chunks.

This first part is all of the windows and doors I've made based on the Old World Large Window. The additional parts yet to come will be based on the Old World Small Window and the Old World Door.

Old World Completer - Part 1

There are a total of 37 windows, doors, and archways in this first part of the set, so you can get pretty creative with it right off the bat.

Back to Creating!

Well, finally got back to playing TS2 semi-regularly a month or two ago, and have resumed creating for same. I've put out a few of sets of things so far - some windows and doors based on the "Smitty Classy's Grand Opening" door from Apartment Life, and a second much bigger set of windows and doors based on the "Double Eloquence Doorway" from same. In making the Eloquence set I figured out how to make working restroom doors (ie, ones that properly exclude people of the wrong sex), so I also made a couple of sets of restroom doors, one set based on the base game doors, and a second set based on EP doors.

I'm now midway through work on a set of windows and doors based on the Old World Doorway, Old World Small Window, and Old World Large Window from Apartment Life.

Sneak Peak - Old World Completer Set

Note - the blue door and windows in the front row are the original meshes.

Overall I'm very pleased with how the set is progressing, and hope to have it out some time within the next week or two - if the dratted thing will stop growing! Every time I work on it I seem to think of another variation of archway, window, or door panel that I'd like to try.


Something is missing...

If you happen to notice any missing images in my blog here, or in any of my FA thread posts or forum stories, the reason why is pretty simple - someone apparently saw fit last weekend to abuse access to a Sims2 web site in order to steal the passwords of myself and several other TSR FAs and SAs (not going to point fingers since we don't have proof enough yet to narrow it down to any one specific site, though I can say it was not TSR), then try those passwords against other places on the internet where any of us had an identifiable web presence.

In my case I was lucky - I'd already been phasing that particular password out of use since I knew I'd used it on at least two Sims2 sites in the past that can now be characterized as being havens for so-called pirates. Whoever it was that did this only hit the jackpot on one location, my Photobucket account, which they promptly redirected to a (probably fictitious) email address, deleted many of my pictures, and replaced most of the remainder. One of the "replacements" they made - replacing a photograph of me with the same photograph overlaid with the word "ATWAT", which, yes, I am aware is the pirate's chosen name for an ex-TSR staff member that they apparently have an obsessive, fanatical hatred of - made it pretty clear that whomever did this is part of the pirate faction of the Sims2 community.

The first I learned of this was on Tuesday morning, when I got a phone call from my brother letting me know that my online portfolio, which I'd just spent weeks putting together, having only just completed it on Friday of last week, was screwed up. Thankfully I hadn't started shopping it around on job applications yet - linking to a site full of Photobucket's "Image moved or deleted" and "Violation of our terms of service" images would NOT have made a good first impression on potential employers. It might have been even worse then that  - one person reported that she had her family photo album replaced with indecent images.

As I say, I was lucky - I'm aware of someone who had been using the password which was stolen on their primary email account as well. I'm sure you can image the "fun" whoever did this had with password reset utilities over the weekend as a result. In all, the person or person(s) responsible for this is so far known to have vandalized Photobucket, Flickr, MySpace, Youtube, and other online presences of at least 5 people. No, I won't name names - it's up to those FAs or SAs to decide for themselves if they wish to make any statements on this latest vindictive behaviour against those of us who call TSR home.

Photobucket support gave me back control of my account, and I've since re-uploaded almost all my images. There are some missing, which I'll re-upload as I locate them. Thankfully I'm a packrat, so except for a few isolated images I'm pretty sure I still have local copies of just about everything I've ever posted to Photobucket.

In the meantime, to whomever did this, and to anyone in the pirate community that delights in, supports, and condones this kind of behaviour, I can only hope that the bad karma this sort of petty vandalism earns turns around and bites you in the ass.


Another Minor Milestone...

I've hit 2,000 creations! Wheeee!

2000 Creations

*Ducks before they can hit back*


3 Million Downloads

Just noticed that my downloads have recently rolled over the three million mark. That's a heck of a lot of files! I'm glad that so many of you have liked my creations enough to download and use them over the several years that I've been active on TSR, and hope you continue to enjoy them.


Busy, busy, busy...

School has me even busier then I thought it would, which is a bad thing since it means I have less time for working on CC for TS2 then I'd hoped. On the other hand I'm learning some new techniques for modelling, texturing, etc., as well as a bunch of new tools that are making it easier to get models done - which, obviously, is a good thing!

I'm hoping to at least publish some lots this month (they're built, I just have to find the time to take and format some preview pictures, and get them posted), and possibly even some new meshes if I can find a few spare hours a week to work on them. Next month, of course, we have March break, and I hope to really pound out some new items then using some of the better work methods that I'm currently learning.

In the meantime, for your entertainment, I've added a gallery to my minisite where I'll be randomly posting renders of things I'm working on in my courses. Models, textures, concept art, and so forth. Some items may later reappear as items for TS2; the shark model I'm currently working on, for example, might be interesting to turn into a tropy or a museum-type exhibit (or, as Windkeeper previously created... a pool toy!).

Back to School!

Yup, I's is going to get me some edu-ma-cation!

Starting next week I'm going back to college for a 2-semester post-graduate course in 3D graphics. I hope to get my currently rather out-of-date skills back up to speed with current software, get a portfolio and/or demo reel done, and then try to get back to working in graphics, preferably in gaming again.

This does means I'll be rather busy a lot of the time between now and next fall, so my output of custom content for TSR is going to remain slow, but I do plan to continue creating for, playing, and writing about Sims 2 for some time to come yet.

What do I think I'll find the weirdest about going back to college? The age difference! And to think that I thought I was a mature student when I first went to college for 3D graphics back in the '90s... ack!


And The Knee-Bone's Connected To The Thigh-Bone...

I've been asked a couple of times to explain to people how the items in my Victorian build sets cross-link with each other. Ie, what ones you have to have (or make sure your downloaders know to get) so you don't end up with flashing-blue objects in your lots.

So here's the list of what is stand-alones, and what is connected:

- fences (requires any EP)
- modular stairs (which have special installation requirements)
- circular stairs (requires Apartment Life)
- gate
- column

- all windows and doors get their wood texture from a base game window, but require the Standard Straight window mesh for the stained glass textures
- all doors require the straight glass door with transom for their door handle texture
- the offset column and all window boxes need the regular column master mesh for their wood textures
- all window boxes get their soil texture from the 1-tile oleander straight window box

Hope that helps some of you solve any problems you're experiencing in using or recolouring these! I'll update this post whenever I add more objects to the set.

Latest Headlines

5 Million Downloads File Fix - Old World Windows &... Old World Completer Set - Part 1 Back to Creating! Something is missing... Another Minor Milestone... 3 Million Downloads Busy, busy, busy... Back to School! And The Knee-Bone's Connected To...
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