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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 10 Creations - Click here to show all
Today.. by request by Degera.. I bring you the Nadameru Dining Collection. This set is very versatile. Asian inspired or country comfortable. Featuring rounded edges for safety as well as looks.. and the choice of a chair or a single dining bench. The table comfortably seat 4 to 6, with a side table for extra room for scrumptious dishes or just decor. The sidetable has glass shelves with room for storage or clutter. The chinese lettering print will sit nicely on the sidetable or prop it against the wall on the floor. This set includes placesetting with sake glass, ricebowl, and chopsticks, a large bowl for serving.. and plates for more *american* style dishes. The bust of Buddha brings a calming and feng shui feeling to any room, and is available in several texture choices. Last, the ceiling light, made of paper in the asian tradition, is also available in your choice of texture and design. Nadameru Dining.. fine dining asian style! Enjoy
Photographed inside the "Paarlberg" lot by FredBrenny.. available here:
Wolfspryte exclusively for TSR
My objects are TSRAA for use in uploaded lots ONLY at TSR. Please do not upload anywhere but TSR
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1167375
ItemID: 1167375
Filesize: 3 MB
TSRAA for upload in lots at TSR ONLY!
Credits: Degera for the request, EA, TSR, TSRW
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