Neferu (5224190)
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My Latest Sims 3 Creations (92 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Thesis Living
Published Sep 6, 2014
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1.000.000Written Mar 08, 2016
1,000,000 downloads! I thought it would never come. I feel happy. Many thanks to all who have supported me from the first moment and thank you also to all the simmers that have downloaded my creations. ...More
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Lynn72Jul 02, 2017
Hello, I just wanted to say that I rarely if any, make comments on here, but I felt compelled to do so just to let you know I absolutely love your ethnic paintings.. Simply because EA does not make enough paintings for the more ethnic culture.. so Thanks a bunch.
matomibotakiAug 28, 2016
Hello my dear friend! Really happy about your nice comments!
Sorry for answering so late. Have a great time and enjoy simming! Take care and huggle matomi
matomibotakiAug 28, 2016
Hello my dear friend, always such a pleasure to read your lovely comments on my work.
Thanks so much and sorry for the late reply. Take care and have a great time!!!