Peacemaker ic (2647505)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (35 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Jade Palace
Published Feb 27, 2010
About Me
Note to all: i have bot been very active lately due to my studies but once i finish the current semester i will begin uploading again. i have a new tile set to go up, some abstract patterns and lots of builds as well so stay tuned and happy simming!
i am not very good at these "about me" things so here we go.
Well i am a university student who just happens to love playing the sims. actually i should rephrase "love building houses for the sims". i enjoy many things including this and most things a 21 year old would enjoy.
i am from Western Australia and have been to a Sims 3 simposium which was held in October of '09 even though i thought it was a joke when i first got the invite. i really just enjoy sharing my creations and kind comments are always welcome.
i am a big advocate for environmental design and if you know me on the official site (i go by the same user name) i have many eco homes uploaded. my first house i uploaded here is in fact part of my new series which i will upload in due time. i don't make houses as quickly as what i did when i first got the game even though i have been called mr. speedy.
i don't really do requests as i find it restrictive and it always takes me a while to complete them. i am also a person who needs many hobbies as i get bored doing one thing for an extended period of time.
well thats all i have to say for now so to new people; nice to meet you and to old friends great to see you around.
My Guestbook Show All
soize71000Sep 29, 2021
Thank you very much for all your amazing creations
littlesusie41Sep 10, 2020
I love all your creations but since the last update only the frames are visible in my game. Please update your creations so I can continue using them. Thank you for all your wonderful creations.
GoofCubeSims3May 19, 2018
Amazing Creations! Thanks!!