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Shakeshaft's Guestbook

Small Town SimApr 19, 2009

shakeshaft, just wanted to let u know i'm so impressed with u and ur work. i love your banner- way nice! being sick/disabled myself- i truly appreciate the work and effort and time you put into sims! good for you and God bless! joy \:rah\:

skystars5Apr 14, 2009

Hi Shakeshaft! I've just stopped by to spread a little love and hugs to all of our truly gifted and wonderful FA's. You know how good you are and have many, many fans, that's all that's important. (((HUGS)))\:wub\: ~Marilyn

mariluApr 11, 2009

Bunny rabbits, painted eggs and sunshine ... it's Easter time! Wish you happy days. \:\)

lisa9999Apr 11, 2009

Andrea, Have a Happy Easter! Lisa\:wub\:

theotherhalfApr 10, 2009

I have download most of your set. Love the great work, expecally the Gypsy Carvan stuff. I had found some gypsy inside walls and needing the outside stuff. Yours is great. Just one request. I would like to see the stairs in the green and purple (mauve as you call it). It would work better with my green caravan as I have them set up. If you want pic let me know and I can try to post them to my sight.

eviApr 9, 2009

Hi Andrea! I 've shopping at your mini-site today and I thought of telling you a hello! \:wub\:

WandaJBowenApr 5, 2009

You have some beautiful creations. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.Keep up the good work.Thanks so much\:P \:D \:wub\:

padreApr 2, 2009

Hi, lovely. Just stopping by to say hi. Hope you're well. \:\)

hiedibear75Apr 2, 2009

Hey know what? \:confused\:  I owe you a HUGE Texas sized (hope that makes sense being that you're not from the U.S. \;\) ) appology! \:\(  I was going through your sets to look and double check something.......anyway when I did I found out there are actually a few sets that I somehow forgot to leave a comment on. \:eek\:  I'm super sorry. \:\(  My shakeshaft folder is so big I had to subfolder you. \:D  So my apologies. \:wub\:  I'm such a hipocrit. \:o  And after writing a blog saying how unfair I thought it was that you creators spend so much time making these great things then we turn around & forget about thanking the artists for them. \:wacko\:  Don't know if I was just loopy from Rx fog & that's why I forgot to leave a comment or not......but it doesn't excuse is "good enough". \:\(  So I'll just have to be more vigilant about commenting. \;\)  Thank you very much Andrea. \:wub\:  You've made building & decorating houses and business a real joy. \:rah\:

hiedibear75Apr 2, 2009

Hello Miss Andrea. \:wub\:  I'm once again drooling on account of you. \:mad\: (no I'm not really mad \;\) )  I'm looking forward to the new fences you've got comming up. \:cool\:  I L-O-V-E building and you just keep coming up with the best stuff. \:rah\:  Thank you & (like Arnold from Terminator) I'LL BE BACK! \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

ValgridaMar 31, 2009

Hi Andrea, I was checking my download history and instead of writing to each item I want to say here that I really appraciate all that you do for us simmers here! I'd love to create items but I can't. That's why I think it is so great that there are people like you, who have the patience to get into the art of creating!!! I use your plants and trees in every house that I build and all the other creations as well. I haven't been building so much lately but concentrating on playing to find out how to build better houses. But as soon as I start building again, your creations will be in everyday use!!! Thank you\:rah\: \:wub\: \:\) !!! Take care, Tiina

DOTMar 31, 2009

Wonderful work as always!  \:wub\:

b-bettinaMar 26, 2009

Hello Andrea! \:D Thank you so much for the congrats and the warm welcome! \:wub\: I hope you're having a wonderful day! \;\) Bettina

deferigonatMar 25, 2009

Oi, em primeiro lugar,gostaria de pedir desculpas por escrever em portugues, sou brasileira e não sei falar nem escrever inglês, consigo me virar na internet usando o tradutor do Google, mas não é muito bom...Mas espero que você consiga um bom tradutor...só quero parabenizá-la pelas suas criações, todas são  originais,muito bonitas e extremamente caprichadas!!!!! Amo tudo que você faz!...Abraços!

2QuestionableMar 20, 2009

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the beautiful Tane Dining set and all the fantastic recolors you're providing as well for it!  It's fast becoming my favorite set as the dining chairs also look great in offices and the dining table works well for under-the-window plant displays...  thank you soooooo much for all the time and effort you take to design and make these gorgeous, and extremely versatile content pieces.  And also a very serious thank you for marking your creations as TSRAA as without your glorious content (and I think I have all of it at this point! \:\) ) my lots that I have planned for uploading here at TSR would not look nearly as appealing!  You are amazing, Andrea! 

cadivaMar 20, 2009

Thanks Andrea, I have to say I was surprised when it wasn't there so I might try a reinstall of the lot and see if it picks it up this time, probably my fault as I installed just the lot file on it's own as I was sure I already had all your other build/room set creations - obviously not the fence though!

TigerblueMar 17, 2009

Andrea, I just wanted to let you know that it was lovely to find your gb message; I appreciated it very much.  Best wishes, Tiger :-)

hiedibear75Mar 17, 2009

You do make it ever so hard next to impossible for a girl to downsize their downloads folder. \;\)  You dood it to me again! :P  This time I'm suckered by your new dining sets. \:D  My poor download folder. \:ph34r\:  Thanks for all the amazing sets. \:cool\:  Say I think I know why you have a hard time getting around.........with as much talent as you've got in you little finger.......must make your hands awfully heavy. \:D \:wub\:  Take care. \:wub\:

kharrisMar 13, 2009

I love your creations...very original

PlayOlga82Mar 10, 2009

Hi Andrea, I´ll check the single beds, because I don´t know why I only have the double ones. Thanks a lot for answer me. Olga.

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