Sheera (64536)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2470 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Pastel Cyan Walls & Floors Set
Published May 24, 2010
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (213 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
Hi there ,
Wow, i'm so honored to become a SA, and i'm doing my best to be Featured Artist again.
I'm 28 years old, graduated from college of Pharmacy.
I'm married, i live with my husband in Stockholm (Sweden).
I LOVE SIMS & PURPLE color , i like dogs . lol.
I speak 4 languages : Arabic, English, Russian and Swedish. I love drawing since i was a little girl. I enjoy my time listening to songs and watching movies .
Ummm what else .. ? Have fun with my creations !
My Latest Updates Show All
Christmas Walls & Floors SetWritten Dec 23, 2008
Hi there , Here's a new gift from me for the Happy Holidays. It's coming out on 23rd of December. A new set of Christmas walls and floors. It contains Christmas trees, Gingerbread man cookies, candies, Christmas decoration balls, Snowman, and lots more. Wish u a Merry Christmas everybody, and a Happy New Year! -Zuzu. ...More
Happy Kids Walls and Floors SetWritten Aug 23, 2007
Dear Downloaders, As Happy Kids walls & floors set was requested from so many downloaders especially The Cookie Jar who took time writing me a pm asking about it, so i decided to make a new Happy Kids set with a new look lol. The original set consisted of 5 walls and 5 floors, this time the new Happy Kids set consists of 10 walls and 10 floors :D, and it'll be published in the 7th of... ...More
Marbles Walls and Floors SetWritten Jun 03, 2007
Dear Downloaders, I re-submitted Marbles walls and floors set again, and it'll be published on 26th of June 2007. Hope you'll like it. While for Happy Kids set, i still don't know when i'm going to re-submit it again, and i'm not sure of resubmitting it at all ! ! ! Enjoy! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Voridian6962Jul 17, 2013
I love a lot of your house plans used in the sims 1. I noticed that a few of the zip file descriptions point to on neighborhood lot and are in fact from another. Some say they are located on lot 1 and the .IFF say 10.
hillyxxxSep 10, 2010
klbjcbDec 31, 2009
Hi, I wanted to wish you a happy New Year!! Kathy