SolanderCGN (842766)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (154 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Bedroom "Boston"
Published Oct 23, 2005
About Me
Living in Cologne, Germany, and studying commercial information technology. Never even thought i would become a sims addict one day, as i always wondered why people played The Sims 1. Got The Sims 2 and well, here i am . Made my way into object creation with some really disastrous recolor attempts and decided to leave this to more skilled people than me . Well, and then i found meshes as a new field to play on. Don't wanna say much about my first attempts but i think i'm getting better
My Guestbook Show All
tarotman54Jul 26, 2017
frank mcdonald
PralinesimsApr 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
Nisse2earsJun 10, 2010
Wow! No loggs for almost 2 years. Does that mean you do not create anymore?
I used to love your stuff