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TabbyLou's Guestbook

shrimpluvSep 9, 2013

\:\)Love all the great work you have done- still playing Sims 2 so like that I can still find your work. Thanks so much!!

DOTDec 25, 2012

Happy Holidays And A Wonderful New Year! \:\)

ChililiOct 22, 2012

I don't understand why when they put up the new pages they didn't put me in when i had really joined. Which for me is not fair. But I think it is okay for both of us to use the snow babies. Is this okay with you? I do have many walls and floors set up already with them. Let me know if we can work together on this then. I am going to write them (TSR) and find out what happened to my missed time with them. I know I created walls for sims 1 game because the file format was different then then now. Thanks And God Bless.

ChililiOct 20, 2012

I have been a simmer since the first sims came out, Sims original and ever since TSR started with the sims original. I created the snow baby walls & floors. I feel you are being unkind in your answer to me. Go look at my wall/floor set, I was the first to use the snow babies. I will use my snow babies again for the sims2 walls, I would expect you, if you are not going to see that I created them first, to accept my use of them again in sims2. Thank You and God Bless You

midwesternAug 6, 2012

I couldn't paly Sims2 for over a year due to an unknown problem. But I have a new computer and am basically staring over from scratch. The game is so much more fun with your recolors and I am going through every page of your downloads. Thanks so much!

Bluerose11Jun 16, 2012

Hi TabbyLou, lost my hardrive and came back to replace all of my files, tons of oyur wonderful stuff. There's a problem though, why are your sets displaying blank pages? I can't seem to get to much of anything. But still, thanks for what I could replace.

velcrocanaryJan 30, 2012

Still a fan of the games, still playing (off and on over the years). Have downloaded countless gigs of custom content over the years since the first version, and I've been looking for all-matching furniture all this time. Love your work. Thanks so much!

MangioDec 27, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family \:wub\: \;\)

DOTDec 18, 2011

~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~

The_UnicornApr 24, 2011

Five Little Easter Eggs Five little Easter eggs, lovely colors wore; (hold up five fingers) Mother ate the blue one, then there were four. (bend down one finger) Four little Easter eggs, two and two, you see; Daddy ate the red one, then there were three. (bend down next finger) Three little Easter eggs, before I knew, Sister ate the yellow one, then there were two. (bend down next finger) Two little Easter eggs; oh, what fun, Brother ate the purple one, then there was one. (bend down next finger) One little Easter egg; see me run! I ate the very last one, and then there were none. (bend down last finger) Happy Easter!

DOTApr 24, 2011

~ O ~Happy Easter ~ O ~ 

The_UnicornApr 8, 2011

Hi Tabbylou, yes, i forgot, it's from modthesims... I thought it was yours, lol... Thank you for the advice, will do that... I wish you a great weekend...

littlelambFeb 18, 2011

Hi TabbyLou,  I know you are busy, but if you should get some spare time, would you please consider doing recolours of Solfal's Beach Tiki Torches - the 3 torches joined together in the middle of their stands. If you do get the time, may I be so bold as to ask for the following colours to be included in wood textures - white, grungy grey, red, black , pea green - variety of pine colours and some colours in a stone texture.  Any other recolours will be a bonus. My thanks for all your recolours todate  

YoeddaDec 13, 2010

Love your recolors

hiedibear75Nov 20, 2010

Thank you. \:\)  I'm not able to do as much as I usta could.....but I might could again some day. \:P LOL  Hope you've been ok. \:cool\:  Happy Holidays! \:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 18, 2010

Nice seeing ya's is still aruond. \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\:  Glad that if you're not creating you're at least still "around". \:cool\:  Hoping for a happy & HEALTHY Holiday Season. \:wub\:  Boo-boo-pi-do! \:D

kakashiswifeOct 21, 2010

I LOVE your recolors and you are still a Top Featured Artist in my book!!!!!!!

miros1Sep 7, 2010

Just wanted to say, your minisite is where I send people looking for Maxis recolors!  I'm about to post your link on InSim right now.

washtheskyMay 30, 2010

Hi! So, I just have to say THANK YOU! Without your recolors of all the furniture I'd be lost. I love all the options that I have once I downloaded pretty much everything you have lol. Thank you again!

evangeline63May 17, 2010

Hi TabbyLou.  Sending a big thanks for all of your wonderful recolors.

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