Visiona (880902)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (67 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Vision of Fashion - Dress Systema
Published Sep 16, 2013
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About Me
Hey @ all!
I play The Sims since EA released the first edition of the game. The possibility to play a whole "virtual" life was just fascinating.
In recent time my focus changed from playing to creating. Especially I am creating new cloth for sims. Here I have to note that I do not create meshes (I tried it but ... this is not my talent ^^), I "only" retexture EA and custom meshes. So at this point a big thank to all mesh creators But also the retexturing is not as simple as it seems to be ^^ and I always look that my creations meet a high qualitiy - I am very critical with them
So, I hope you will like my creations and have fun with them
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My Latest Updates Show All
Ready for the FutureWritten Jul 29, 2014
Maybe some of you recognized that since my last submission some time spent by. The reason for it is simple - my interests changed. Sims 3 did not give me so much fun as in the beginning. But for all TSR users that like my creations - I am ready for the future of the Sims *yeah* Currently I am working for Sims 4 CC and I can guarantee - for the new part of the Sims you will have creations made... ...More
Expanding my focus :)Written May 09, 2012
Creating clothes for the Sims means to me a lot of fun :) Therfore I have decided to expand my "product range" ^^ In future I also want to share with you clothes for toddlers and childs. I also will convert some outfits that I published yet for teens :) Furthermore I will try to create other things as lipstick, eyeshadows and so on ... But this can take time :) My focus is on... ...More
New DesignWritten Mar 02, 2012
Today I developed a new design to presentate my creations - I decided to hold the presentation in a more ... simpler way ^^ Here is a new creation that I will publish in a few days with this new design :) ...More
My Guestbook Show All
timi72Dec 23, 2013
I wish you a Merry and peaceful Christmas and all the best in the New Year!
lillkaDec 22, 2013
Hello Visiona! I wish you and your loved a merry, peaceful and blessed Christmas Time and all the best in the New Year! ((Hugs & Kisses))
eviDec 11, 2013
I hope your holidays are filled with all you favorite
things this Christmas ... and all the happiness you could
wish for.